Reviewing Puzzles

Today I got to attend a meeting to review puzzle testing results. It’s interesting to see the results of a puzzle that was created and hear how well a player solves it. Level of difficulties to keep in mind include

  • Was the puzzle hard to understand?
  • Can you solve it?
  • Did you understand why you solved it?
  • We also question whether the player likes the puzzle, or if they think it is relevant to the game and story. From here we work on fixing the problem areas, making it clearer, adjusting the difficulty, and enhancing the experience. There is a lot that goes into puzzle creation, and it takes people from every department to make it happen beautifully.

    Speaking of puzzles, I must have created a toughie of a weekend puzzle, but luckily not too tough, because a couple of you have solved it! Hooray! One answer that I saw on the message boards was correct, yet the solution wasn’t mentioned. I think I will hold off one more day from giving the solution so you can keep trying. 😉

    ~Little Jackalope~

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    2 responses to “Reviewing Puzzles”

    1. Anonymous says:

      okay i think i have figured out how to solve the weekend puzzle but i can’t seem to get it right i know the flags deal with the seven ships game because i remeber the poster that was on the wall with phonetic alphabet just not sure what its supposed to say hmmmm… but besides that i played trail of a twister like 5 times this weekend

    2. Random Nancy Drew Fan says:

      The puzzles are one of my favorite bits of the mysteries! Sometimes, when I need to stop playing the game and do something else, I jot down the puzzle, then try to figure it out in my free time.
      I still can’t figure out this puzzle though. I’m almost positive it has something to do with RAN, but, like I said before, I haven’t played it, and I’m stumped. I wonder what the answer is…

      Yours Truly,
      Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan

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