Monday = Video!! And moths…have to include a moth.

It’s Monday!! Hooray! This means a free wallpaper download for Ransom of the Seven Ships (image of the resort), and an oh so exciting picture of a moth. Yep, that’s right, a few nerds here enjoy little excitements such as this:
This guy was perched on the wall by our side entrance door. His wingspan was nearly the size of my palm! We believe he might be a blind sphinx moth because he has a secret pink under wing.

We have an even better excitement for you, though (but really, what could be cooler than touching a huge colorful moth on your way into a building?) Ok, a new video might be. There is a new video up on our YouTube channel called “Postcards from Germany” featuring Lukas from The Captive Curse! Check it out!

Hm, sounds like this weekend’s puzzle has stumped many of you. *Insert mischievous evil grin here*. I suppose I will suppress allowing further brain agony by giving you a hint: Re-arrange the pairs.

Good luck, detectives!
~Little Jackalope~

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3 responses to “Monday = Video!! And moths…have to include a moth.”

  1. Random Nancy Drew Fan says:

    I’m tempted to skip the video because I haven’t played The Captive Curse yet and I’m worried it’ll give too many spoilers. Sorry.
    About the Weekend Puzzle, I can’t figure this one out… I’m guessing it has something to do with this month’s special and … Ransom of the Seven Ships is also this week’s special too, isn’t it? That makes me double sure it’s about RAN one way or another. Ugh, I wish I had played it.

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan

  2. Anonymous says:

    still think Lukas is cute.I didn’t know you had a youtube channel.I kinda figured,but never real knew.Awsome moth…

    From me,

  3. Ferret says:

    Is your website down? I haven’t been able to view it for a couple days.

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