iSHA Suspense Build-up!
February 22nd, 2011
Hey howdy hey! Have a good weekend? I was a bit bored (don’t tell anyone, but I like working when it’s working here at Her Interactive). Since we were gone yesterday, everyone has been thinking today’s Monday and we are scrambling to get two days’ worth of work accomplished in one day. Exciting but busy!
While working on a new daily task list I found a sketch in my notepad from many months prior. It was a doodle I did while in an important meeting. Yeah, our creative minds never cease the creativity output.
Hey! New wallpaper is up for download featuring an image from Nancy Drew Mobile Mysteries: Shadow Ranch, which is releasing tomorrow!! (I’m excited.)

Nobody started the weekend puzzle from last week? Well here’s a push in the right direction: “Our site is an important tool.”
Gotta get back to iSHA projects!
~Little Jackalope~
Posted in:
Yeah weekend puzzle was already solved early this am.