Those little things we love…

I’ve been doing some searching for old art while listening to some familiar game music. It got me thinking about some of the cool extras that are found in a few of the games, particularly the “sounds”. Not the game music, but the music and advertisements in the games such as the radio in The Secret of Shadow Ranch, or the radio in Trail of the Twister (this one’s extra funny I think). The one I almost forgot about was in Secret of the Old Clock. Remember “Creepy Corner”? I found the picture of that vinyl record and just now remembered what was on it… a clue to the mystery. I love this style of hiding clues! I wonder if there will be any more audio fun added in a future game. (I know there are a few more in several other games. Have you heard them all?)I should begin a list of bonus and fun stuff like this to add to our Easter egg wish list. Who knows, maybe someone will leave a secret message or Easter egg clue in a future game this year. Time to brainstorm!

Puzzle #83 is getting closer to being solved (poor puzzle, it’s been weeks). Someone in particular is almost on the nose!

~Little Jackalope~
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One response to “Those little things we love…”

  1. Aww…. That makes me happy!! 🙂

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