Making Lists
We are right on the cusp of everyone’s favorite time of year, the holidays. There’s plenty to see and enjoy; lights and decorations, seasonal bakery creations, and familial celebrations are just a few. Here at Her Interactive, we have already begun making changes to bring that spirit into the office. That means lights, ornaments, and of course holiday candy. And this year we’ll be doing, what I’m sure will be another hilarious and fun, gift exchange. But we’re not the only ones who will be receiving some interesting knick-knacks; like virtual Santas, we’ve got a few digital goodies to hand out.
We have already prepared a myriad of holiday fun for you to enjoy. Busy as Christmas elves, we have been here crafting a delightful set of seasonal downloads and giveaways for you. We kicked things off yesterday with a re-imagining of a familiar scene from Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister, and you can expect a whole host of these holiday themed downloads during December. In addition we’re making a few new avatars for the message boards. In fact, if you're a member of our online community you can put in your own ideas for us to read and decide on. If you're not a member yet, sign up! Either way, make sure you read all about the rules before you submit your avatar wish!
As we all know, the true spirit of the holidays is about giving. So this year, we wanted to help you give the gift of mystery! We’ll be offering a whole host of deals in December so you can share your favorite super sleuth with your friends and family. We’ll be discounting a different title each full week in December! Will it be an older title like The Final Scene? Or a new favorite like, Shadow at the Water’s Edge? You’ll have to stop by each week to find out (though an upcoming newsletter might contain a few clues!) Plus starting December 1st, we’ll be offering free standard shipping on any order until December 15th 11AM PST. This is the best deal any discount-hunting detective is going to find this December.
Happy holiday sleuthing!
P.S. For your first holiday deal – from 12/1 to 12/5 you can get 25% off any of our digital downloads by using the code: THANKS2010