Off We Go
We’re off and running. It may be Monday, but there is a charge in the office today. (Maybe it was the weekend sun.) Either way, everyone seems to be pretty excited.
Today was the final day for the Nancy Drew Inspired Contest. The turnout was fantastic! In fact there were quite a lot of last minute entries. From what I’ve seen I know the judges are going to have a hard time coming to some final decisions. Winners will be posted on Thursday. Good luck to everyone who entered!
If you looked closely at our site, you may have begun to see the release of ND Convention content. We’ve started with just one interview, and intend to gradually produce more of these videos over the next few weeks. Tomorrow we’ll be dropping another short conversation we had with a rather gifted artist. I think you’ll enjoy it very much.
Tuesday has become my “go-to” day for puzzle spoilers, so let’s continue that trend. I’m glad you all solved this one. And you’ll be happy to know that it is TOT-related! It may not be character lists or screenshots, but hey any information at this point is very welcome. I’ll give you the “skinny” when I post the solution. Stop by and check it out.
– Novel (unset) –
three things! 1/are you going to make a playstation version of ND? 2/will you make a hardy boys series 3/Are you going to release TOT in june/july like usual?
I never received a confirmation email after I sent in my artwork and photo for the contest. I sent it in late Sunday night. Should I be concerned and re-send or was there just not enough time for you guys to confirm all the last minute entries?