
Day One: again. (?)

It’s not a bad one.  In fact, it contains 200% more Vitamin D, direct from the best source. The spirit in the office reflects this. We’ve got projects bumping and moving and with GDC wrapped up and the managers back in the saddle, I’m expecting a lot of sudden meetings and last minute changes.  Sometimes we get swept up in the techno-revolution (the future is [pretty much] right now.)  Can you blame us?!

The puzzle was defeated. Quite soundly I might add. I’m pained to say it, but I think Designer Ben expected it to have a slightly longer lifespan.  To you I’ll offer a hearty, “Well done!” and I’ll drop the blinds from it tomorrow.  Today, I’m buried in the prospect of being buried…

Keep it easy!

-Novel (under) –

Posted in: Uncategorized

2 responses to “Overhaul”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Was there a reason behind the answer to puzzle 45’s answer?

  2. Novel_Sleuth says:

    Oh most certainly… though I’m not allowed to completely spoil the surprise! Just thought you might like to know who is on our minds.

    – Novel –

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