Hearts Grow Fonder

I spoke briefly yesterday on the subject of Valentine’s. It seems that we’ll be working well into the holiday to get the TOT beta completed. This is one of those proverbial “crunch-times.” Though I can almost certainly predict long days in the coming months (for bug fixes and updates) as well.

We were fortunate enough to have the distraction mentioned yesterday, but it got me thinking about love in the ND universe. Aside from Colin in The Phantom of Venice or the “beau-fiasco” in Warnings at Waverly Academy you’ll almost never find romance playing a large role in our games, even though Ned is ever-present. In the books, he can sometimes be found participating first hand in all the snooping, chasing, and sleuthing. We’ve chosen to have him act as more of a guiding figure. He’s available to provide support for his leading lady (much like the books) but he never gets any time on-stage.

Do you think we should give Ned a larger role in the games? How about a romantic mystery with Ned as a playable character?

Write back and let me know. Oh and I’ll be posting more pictures soon!


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36 responses to “Hearts Grow Fonder”

  1. Anonymous says:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t play Nancy Drew games to ride pink ponies and make out with boyfriends. Or to have looks exchanged between Nancy and Ned, the romance ruined VEN, don’t do it again. I would love to have Ned in a game, okay, and there conversations are very written, but please PLEASE keep it that way.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I definitely don’t like the romantic idea, but I really wish that you guys would make him a playable character!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Yes! I definately think that Ned should be given a larger role in the game. It also would be pretty fun to be able to play as him, but I wouldn’t have the whole mystery centered around his and Nancy’s relationship. Like you said before, maybe more as a helping hand than a “boyfriend”.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yes Yes YES! I definatley think that there should be a game with a romance mystery, and perhaps Ned as a playable character. That would be so fun!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yes, I think you should have Ned play a larger role in the games. It would be nice to actually see him or even play as him. That would be perfect to have a romantic mystery w/ Ned as a playable character. =)

  6. Anonymous says:

    I guess that would be interesting, but I’m more team Hardy, so it would be amazingly awesome to explore the romantic aspect of the Nancy/Frank relationship. They liked each other, and even kissed a couple times in the ND/HB Super Mysteries, so it wouldn’t be swaying from the books. I know Nancy’s technically with Ned but… I would love to see the Hardys more and the romantic aspect would be amazingly awesome!

  7. Anonymous says:

    NO romance (bleah) but it would be nice to see Ned. Maybe have him be kidnapped or something.

  8. Anonymous says:

    That would be AMAZING! I would totally buy a game like that!

  9. Firewing3333 says:

    I don’t know..now that we know what Bess and George look like, Ned is the only one with an air of mystery left from the old games.

  10. wodedrawling says:

    He should definitely get to be a playable character–like Bess was in Crystal Skull. I mean, c’mon, he’s PART of the series! I love the Hardy Boys, but it’d make more sense to have Ned in more than them.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I think it would be a good idea for Ned to play in a bit more! That would be great! Do you think he’ll have those goofy glass’ he had in the TV show’s?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Yes, Yes, and Yes again! But I don’t Ned should be playable he should be a character in the game.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I think that would be so much fun!!! I’ve always wanted to know more about Ned. Seeing Bess and George was fun too, but having Ned would be really cool!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Not romantic, but yes, please let us play as Ned. Also, more games playing as the Hardy boys and Bess & George.

  15. Anonymous says:

    hi, novel sleuth. i think a little bit of romance would add some zing to, say, the next ND game since fans live vicariously thru nancy 😉

  16. Anonymous says:

    I love ned! u need to include him even more.. maybe make him show up in some of the newer games!!

  17. Maddie "Alex" says:

    i dont think you should add romance in the games because you will lose a lot of fans from parents who don’t want their children dating until later in their lives and don’t want them influenced by the things around them. i can say this because i know a LOT of people who would do so, one of the those people is me 🙂

  18. Rose says:

    I have been dying to play a game with Ned in it!!!!! It would be awsome if you did that! Please Please Please! That is an awsome idea! (just not to mushy gushy if you know what I mean) and again I say Pleeeaaaasssse!

  19. OMG that would be so cool!! Maybe in the future there might be on set in River Heights … ?

  20. Kacie says:

    I think that it would be cool to play as Ned, but I don’t think that we should be able to see him. He is sort of like Nancy in the sense that his appearence is better left off for our imagination. I like the idea of him being more involved in cases though!

  21. Anonymous says:

    oooh i like that idea. i dont usually like it when there are more than one playable character, but i can see that being cool. or maybe just him as a character…

  22. Anonymous says:

    That would be fun!

  23. Anonymous says:

    What if Nancy disappeared and Ned had to be the one to solve the case and find her? He would have to use all the skills and techniques he’s learned while talking with Nancy on the phone! ??? That would be fun…

  24. Anonymous says:

    YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES! My sister and I are die hard Nancy gamers, honestly one of our favorite parts is calling Ned, were always disappointed when he isn’t featured on the phone numbers list. Anyway, we think if a Nancy/Ned team up game was released, it would be extremely popular and wonderful!

  25. Serena says:

    Yes, Ned needs to be way more in the games than he is now,
    In the books they would solve mysteries together, and that’s the way it should be for the games too!

  26. Anonymous says:

    yes i think ned should be more present in the games i would love to see him in one or two of the new games

  27. Anonymous says:

    I actually have a whole thread of posts from HER users on what they think about Ned being in the games! 🙂


  28. Anonymous says:

    Yes yes yes yes to one hundred! I want Ned to be a playable character And he and Nancy to be romantic. What if the game were to been taken place on Valentine’s Day? That would make me itch to get started on the game.

  29. Anonymous says:

    A teeny tiny hint…….PUT NED IN THE BLOOPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, c’mon men are strange too!

  30. Anonymous says:

    What if Ned, Frank, or Joe would turn out to be the bad guy?

  31. Anonymous says:

    I want to see Ned because in the Nancy Drew movies and TV shows he is so unexplainablely handsome:)
    -biggest Nancy Drew fan EVER

  32. Anonymous says:

    I would be of the strong opinion that there should not be romance in the ND games… I would appreciate it very much if you would please leave them as they are.

  33. Anonymous says:

    i would like to have ned in the games, but no romantic mysteries. I do love love so we can have Nancy and Ned have some chemistry going on but not so much, it should be like how they were in the books. Keep the mysteries the way they are, though.

  34. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t mind having Ned is a game, but I don’t want to have a romance in it. The only games that Ned actually says “I love you” to Nancy are the first two games. The rest of the games, he is more of a friend giving advice. So, yes, I wouldn’t mind having Ned in a game, but no Romance junk. 🙂

  35. Anonymous says:

    I would LOVE to see Ned in game. I really think it’d be nice to have some more character development. As to the romance part, it really depends on what you mean by “romance”. Since it’s not HER’s style, I’m guessing that you aren’t talking about an actual kiss in the games or anything, but you could be meaning lots of “I love you” comments, or a plot that is centered on their relationship. If it was the latter, then I think it’d be a good idea. A mystery about them, not in a lovey-dovey way, but in a way that digs into their relationship, that shows how much they really do care about each other without getting deadly sappy. You know, sweet and thoughtful things, like they were done in the Yellow Back Books.
    I’d love to play a game with Ned in it, and I know that there are tons of others who’d love it to.
    It’d be fun for them to get to do things together in one of the games, for us to finally see Ned get in on the action, and to get more clarification about their relationship, just so long as it’s done right. But hey, you’re HER, doing Nancy Drew right is what you do, so if you do do one, I have great faith in you, and in it. 🙂

  36. Anonymous says:

    I think that a little romance won’t hurt, maybe Ned and Nancy could go on a date and something happens. You could get dressed up and all.
    There should also be more playable characters in the ND Games.

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