At the End of the Week.
So I don’t know how much I might have mentioned this or not, but we’ve been unbelievably swamped here at the office. We’ve got so many awesome things coming out this year. It’s pretty exciting right now what with the near future release of Ransom of the Seven Ships and RED coming out a bit later. We’re totally stoked.
But enough about me, hows about you all! I’ve got to say you all deserve a lot of praise for doing a great job with the puzzle. And all the contest entries, (I know I gushed before ^.^) but simply grand! Keep ’em coming!
Oh, for those of you who don’t know, I’ll post the puzzle answer below. We had some really dedicated people finally crack this one. You guys are fantastic!
So what does this famous place have to do with Nancy Drew? Well… it’s… (nope, can’t spoil it) >.< Soon though, soon.
Anywho, I’ve got a new puzzle for you all as well. It’s a special one too, I’ll be posting it in a few.
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