HI Snapshots #3

In the lunchroom… Don’t miss! 🙂



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12 responses to “HI Snapshots #3”

  1. Ringbearer says:

    Looks like a lot of fun…as long as you don’t hit the poor Hardys of course. LOL!

  2. Anonymous says:

    My aim is pretty bad. I’d probably miss the dartboard altogether and hit the Hardy Boys dead center. Are those cabinet doors wood or metal????

  3. Caroline says:

    Haha! I agree with Ringbearer…looks like fun…just miss the hardys!

  4. Sparkledetectiv says:

    Aww, I absolutely LOVE that HB poster, plleeaasssee hit the board and not the HB 🙂
    And I agree w/ everyone else–looks like fun!

  5. Anonymous says:

    OH WOW.I like to play darts,but don’t hit that old picture!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Darts!! Yay! *throws one and hits the poster* Oh no, oh no, oh no. So sorry, Frank and Joe… eep! lol. That would be what would happen if I were playing darts there…

  7. Sparkledetectiv says:

    Yeah, thats what would happen with me…I’d end up hitting Frank and Joe on accident :/

  8. I have to tell you – I love this blog, and the twitter account! Such great ideas. I gave in and joined twitter just to follow HI.

    All the updates really help in the interim between games. 😛

  9. trudancer says:

    Hehehe, I love playing darts! And like everyone else says: Don’t hit the HB!! We need them in more games! Haha

  10. Anonymous says:

    Parker Stevenson is totally dreamy

  11. Anonymous says:

    I like to play darts, but I usually completely miss and someone has to duck to escape my wrath. =S
    – brenna

  12. Jennifer says:

    Those guys in the poster are before my time!!!!

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