Survey and Spring Break
March 26th, 2018
I’m back from my vacation! If you hadn’t participated yet, this week is the last week to answer our survey questions. We thought the best way to know what our fans like and want is to simple ask them, and this way we have everyone’s responses collectively. If you already finished the survey, thank you!
On a side note, I saw this picture on Twitter by fan Lil T and it made me smile. I love seeing pictures from our fans enjoying a Nancy Drew mystery!
We have a birthday to celebrate! (Albeit belated – sorry!)
-Little Jackalope
I did the survey, but one of the multiple choice answers didn’t feel right. Specifically on the Dossier Question where my options were: “Loved it”, “hated it”, “didn’t play it” or “never heard of it”.
I picked “loved it”, but my real feelings were ‘it’s okay’. I play them whenever I do a game marathon, but they’re too liner to do between classes or on lunch breaks, etc.
Thank you LJ! =)
After taking the survey, I wish there was an option to explain more or comment like on which were our 3 least favorite games. I never comment a lot in surveys, but I really care about this company, so would love to leave more feedback so you guys may have greater insight into what us the players look for in your games.
Hi there! There’s a thread on the message board that HeR is monitoring if you would like to make additional comments!
Loved that survey! It was hard to pick my 3 favorite ND games because I love most of them. And it was also hard to pick my LEAST favorite ND games BECAUSE I Love almost all of them!
There were several questions on making only digital copies, and I hope I’m speaking for many when I say, PLEASE keep making physical copies! When I’m older I plan to take my physical copies (I have one for every game) and play with my kids. Also, it was extremely hard to choose a least favorite game (they’re all fantastic, and after I chose my 3 options I felt guilty haha). Another thing, I think the meter that shows how close you are to solving the mystery could be turned on and off, or it could be only for junior sleuth. Also the question about which aspects of the game mean the most to me, I find all of those very important! The threat of danger and mystery aspect is what makes these games so unique, and the games wouldn’t be the same without the amazing character developments. The characters, too, wouldn’t be the same without fantastic voice acting. Art and visuals, especially in the later games, are also amazing and they add a lot of depth to the environment, which makes these games so much better! And I must say, music is especially important to me. Until I played my first game, The Curse of Blackmoor Manor, I never even listened to any kind of music. But I instantly fell in love with the Nancy drew soundtracks. When a song I absolutely love comes on while playing a game, (aka Girls from The Captive Curse) I stop where I am so that I can hear the whole song, then I keep playing the game haha. Sometimes listening to the soundtracks on my free time makes me want to play the game again. After I played my favorite game, The Deadly Device, the second time and finished it, I listened to the soundtrack and immediately wanted to play for a third time. Nancy drew music is one of my favorite things, and I listen to it every day. 🙂 I’m just saying, keep up the good work. I have good expectations for Midnight in Salem and future games. Thank you for letting us give our input in the survey. You guys and your games are the best!!! (Sorry this comment is so long!)
I agree! Keep making physical copies!
Will you be sharing the answers of the survey, or giving selected highlights?
Stuff like favorite games and puzzles would be super interesting to hear! 🙂
Thank you!
I’m not sure what we will share just yet, since we are still reviewing the data. 🙂
I took it. It was great! Thanks for wanting to better the games even more, HeR. You all are doing a fantastic job. Happy Easter, God Bless! 🙂
I am very sorry to have missed the survey. Please keep offering physical games. If I can buy the game, I can play it for as long as I can keep a computer that will run it. And I can play offline, and actually OWN it. And reload it from the disk if the computer crashes.
Nancy Drew is one of the “10 best literary Heroines”:
The survey ended on Friday, Did you figure out the results yet? not trying to be rude, Just asking =)
Hello budford – we are still reviewing the data. 🙂
oh no problem, I was just curious =)
Hi LJ! Is there a Twitch party scheduled for April?
Hello Deb! There is, but we haven’t announced the exact dates, but it will be towards the end of the month. 😉
Okay, great! Thanks for the 411!
Yay! I love watching the twitch streams on YouTube, So much fun! =)
can i get how to get the chemist sorter again.
Hello Susan! What do you mean?
i am trying to get the chemist sorter award on #19 Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy and i thought you posted it.
According to the strategy guide for HAU, it says “Use the claw arm in the lab to put all the bottles safely
in place.” I believe that means putting ALL the bottles away. 😉
never mind i will ask this on the forum, sorry to bother you.
thank you very much.
if you already took it, can you take it again?
You only take the survey once. 🙂
Hey Little Jackalope, will the results be shared with us? I love lists of fan favourites of stuff I love too and I’m just really curious! I really liked the questions 🙂 it would be nice to see how i fit into the nd community
Hello Margot, I’m not sure if the leaders will be sharing the results. We do like to ask what everyone’s favorite game is from time to time. This is usually on Social Media, like Facebook, Twitter, Twitch.