Fast Mini Games
January 22nd, 2016
Some of the mini games and puzzles and activities found in the Nancy Drew games are either timed, or you simply have to be FAST at solving it. One game in particular was putting the wasps to sleep in Legend of the Crystal Skull here:
What timed/fast activities did you like or had trouble with when you played them?
Don’t forget to work on your Nancy Drew Moment contest entries!
Sorry! No weekend puzzle this time. Come back next week!
-Little Jackalope
The puzzle at the end of The Phantom of Venice (where you had to turn the knobs to get the water to the same levels) was probably the hardest timed puzzle ever, and it still gives me chills to talk about it.
Barnacle Blaster in the haunted carousel had to be the hardest mini game! My grandma had an even worse time than me getting through that part because she was always too slow.
I use a laptop with a touchpad, and find many of the fast games very frustrating and hard to complete. I never could finish the snowmobile chase in White Wolf of Icicle Creek. It is the only game that I could not finish and had to watch the ending online.