Healthy Fundaes (And Weekend Puzzle #277)

Happy Friday, sleuths!

I’ve been playing The Haunted Carousel lately and was inspired to make this meme, ’cause I have a ridiculous sense of humor. XD


There’s nothing wrong with a Fundae, by the way. Actually, it’s a good boost for the case, and in this picture, relevant to solving the mystery. 😉

Here’s your weekend puzzle! Enjoy!


We have several fan birthdays to celebrate!

Birthday_Andrew Birthday_Andrea Birthday_Bob Birthday_Sam

-Little Jackalope

13 responses to “Healthy Fundaes (And Weekend Puzzle #277)”

  1. Andrew says:

    Can you do a birthday shoutout for me on the 11th? I’m turning 346 years old. My favorite game is Midnight in Salem.

  2. Leah says:

    Can i have a birthday shout out on June 18 I will be 44.

  3. Adriana and Alexandra says:

    Hi LJ!
    We’re twins and we’re turning 15!
    Could we get a birthday shoutout for Monday June 8th?
    Thank you so much!
    Adriana and Alexandra

  4. Kevin says:

    105th! Wow, Bob! Hhahahaha.

  5. Angela says:

    I loved the Fundae part. 😀

  6. Andrew Baldwin says:

    I love the meme. Also I want to email you a meme I created. Is there a certain email address where I can send it?

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