SPY Bugs

The bugs are jumping around The Silent Spy this week as we further test and work on the game. For those who aren’t familiar with the jargon word “bugs” in our production cycle, here’s what we mean: Bugs are errors and hang-ups in the game. They can be anything from the game crashing, to characters saying something different than the text is written as, to puzzles not working, or things happening before they should. Those are just a few examples of bugs.


We have a great team of testers, and anyone in the office may stumble upon a bug. When a bug is found, we make a detailed note of what it is, where it can be found and then report it to the person working on that area of the game so they can fix it.

We will have a

Today I was playing through the game for the first time, and besides running into a few bugs that I could easily maneuver around, there was one bug in particular that was giving me a tough time. An event was supposed to happen (and I could not avoid it), so when I approached the sequence, the game would crash and I could not continue playing.

small announcement
After several different tries to get around it, (many noises of frustration could be heard coming from my general direction, including “Gah!” and “Arrrg” and, well… some growling) I decided to get up and seek assistance from our Designer, who quickly gave me the work-around solution. The bug had already been reported and will be implemented in tomorrow’s game build.


And onward we test, report, and fix each bug as the game production further progresses!

tomorrow (Tuesday).

As for the weekend puzzle, it looks like it was solved, and now there is an interesting discussion happening on the Message Boards about the answer. I like to see your reactions to what this could possibly mean….*evil laugh*, and so far, no one has nailed what exactly what it means, yet.

Here’s the solution to the puzzle:

What is Cathedral? We will learn soon enough!

~Little Jackalope~


8 responses to “SPY Bugs”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Could cathedral be a board game? I saw that on a Wikipedia and I thought since you guys like to put mini games in the games, I thought that might be the case!
    – MD12

  2. Caitlyn says:

    It’s so exciting to read about the game-making process! It really puts into perspective how much heart and hard work goes into every single one of the amazing games that HER produces. The amount of teamwork required is mind boggling; it’s amazing how invested everyone is in the games.
    Thanks, HER, for all that you do! You guys are the best and I think I can speak for many of your dedicated fans when I say that we really appreciate all of your hard work!


  3. ND's #1 fan says:

    NO! LJ, please don’t do this to us! you have to tell us what ‘cathedral’ means! PLEASE????? I’ll send you cookies! (or rather, lemon bars!) lol that’s from the Nancy Drew movie 🙂 in fact, we are watching that movie tomorrow! (me and my friends) because i am having a ND themed birthday party tomorrow! 😀

  4. Peregrine says:

    Is Cathedral Agent C ‘s name perhaps?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Are you the only one, or are there several people who test the game like you do? You know, playing it unfinished to see how everything works?

    From me,

  6. Anonymous says:

    Glasgow has several cathedrals, maybe at some point we have to venture into one?

  7. Karen says:

    maybe its where nancys mom and dad got married? and they left a clue for her to find? SECRET LOCATION! 🙂

  8. William D says:

    Hmmmm… Cathedral… Peregirine makes a point. (for any one who is into Doctor Who) River is one of the spies code names so maybe that’s her/his code name. Or it could be where the whole mystery revolves around, a cathedral in Scotland. Or maybe it’s where we’ll meet Sonny Joon! (That’s never going to happen is it 🙁 ?)

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