
With all this talk about Ghost of Thornton Hall (by the way…we are counting down the remaining days to pre-order!)

…I’d thought to take a day to talk about something different. We just started Instagramming! However, we’ve only got a few pictures up, so we don’t have any followers yet. (I posted several real-life Nancy Drew images that are connected to the games, soo cool I think!) We have yet to find some fellow Nancy Drew fans to follow as well. Check us out at NancyDrewPCGames!

Do any of you Instagram? Do you Instagram anything Nancy Drew-related? If so, follow us so that we can check out your cool photos! (Especially if you took a photo of your newly-arrived game!)

~Little Jackalope~

11 responses to “Instagram”

  1. I do! I’m following now. (itsrachelnicole)

    I am going to post a photo of GTH, we got it on Tuesday! πŸ™‚


  2. ND's #1 fan says:

    Cool! Hey, could someone please tell me what instagram is? Ok, dumb question, throw your rotten tomatoes. lol πŸ™‚ But seriously I don’t know what that is. Thanks!

  3. Sure thing! Instagram is lovely. ^_^
    As Nancy is such a part of my everyday life, I’ve instagrammed several Nancy-related things.
    Can’t wait to start following you! ^_^
    My IG username is oneandonlyme. πŸ™‚

  4. OHMYGOD YAY! You guys took in a suggestion I asked! I’m going to follow you right now! Can’t wait to see some excting pictures from inside the office. Love you guys!!!!! xx

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’ve never heard of instagraming. What is it? Is it like,connected to facebook or pinterest,or what?

    From me,

  6. WWNDD12 says:

    Hay LJ! I’m so glad you guys got a Instagram!!

    I just got GTH and am installing now!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hi LJ!

    Could you tell me what time zone you post from???? I read your blog posts everyday – they really help me in waiting for GTH since I could not preorder. :'( I have been trying to figure out when you post (which seems to be around 5:00), but we must be in different time zones (I am in Eastern).

    Anyway, cannot wait until GTH! I always download the game ASAP, grab some chocolate bars (my Koko Kringles πŸ™‚ and play! I am getting so ansy waiting to get my copy! I LOVE THE SCARY ONES!!

    Oh, and no, I do not have an Instagram. Although it seems like everyone does now….. πŸ™‚


    – Ella

  8. Amy M. says:

    Ella, she posts on the Pacific time zone (three hours before your time, Eastern) πŸ™‚ I am in the Eastern time zone as well πŸ™‚

  9. Sheesh4 says:

    @Ella: They are in Pacific Standard Time, 3 hours behind us.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much you guys!!!!! πŸ™‚

    – Ella

  11. @ND’s #1 fan & Silvertongue — Instagram is an App for your smartphone that lets you take pictures, put special filters over the photo, and post for friends to see. πŸ™‚

    @- Ella — Amy and Sheesh4 were correct. πŸ™‚ I post in Pacific Time since we are in Bellevue, WA. I’m going to try to post earlier in the days ahead so that everyone in the East will be able to read a little earlier, too. πŸ˜‰

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