Nancy Drew Diaries

I have been a Nancy Drew reader since I was seven years old, and have only recently completed my classic Nancy Drew collection. Many of us fondly remember reading the classic yellow hard-backed books and will always treasure her inspiring adventures that she would take us along on. For a few of us who prefer a more modern girl with technology and serious criminals and more adventures, there are other book series available to enjoy.

This year, Simon & Schuster released a new series for our favorite detective, called the Nancy Drew Diaries. Check them out here!

This weekend I plan on heading over to the bookstore to pick the two titles they have available: Curse of the Atlantic Star and Strangers on a Train. (The next book, Mystery of the Midnight Rider will come out on May 7th, just before we release Ghost of Thornton Hall). I’m already impressed by how many pages these books boast: almost 200 pages! (More than some classic yellow-backs!) They come in paperback, hardcover, and eBook as well.

Well, now you know what I’m doing this weekend!
(Oh! And there is a new poll question to your right.)
And the solution to last weekend’s puzzle is this: It’s a Book Cipher (also known as the Ottendorf Cipher, but the puzzle refers to the [tag lines for each game] which are the yellow [sentences on each game’s page]. The first number is the game, second number is the word, and the last number is the letter in that word. In the end you should discover these words: [lace mask]. Voila!

~Little Jackalope~

8 responses to “Nancy Drew Diaries”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I bought them both last month, although I haven’t read them yet. I really like that they’ve gone back to artwork for the cover, instead of clip art or a model.

  2. Mildred would be proud to see how Nancy Drew has been carried on for so many years and how Nancy has changed our lives. 🙂
    Don’t you love that on the back of the books it says for ages 7 to 10? And here we are, teens buying them for ourselves! 😀 Yay us! I think I’ll have to check into theses. But the yellow backs will always be the Nancy I think of. I wasn’t really found of the newer series.

  3. Katie says:

    Wow I’ll have to check those books out at the library! Maybe this doesn’t have anything to do with anything, but the cover art makes Nancy look like she’s 12 years old instead of 18.

  4. Anonymous says:

    THANK YOU!!!!! as soon as i read this blog post, i opend a new tab and downloaded it onto my kindle. it’s not even fully downloaded yet! YAY! new nancy drew books!!!!! (and hardy boys! <3)

  5. Wow, thanks for mentioning the Nancy Drew Diaries–I need a new book to read! That’s perfect, too, since tomorrow night I planned on visiting Barnes and Noble. I love the classic Nancy Drew books too, but I have yet to finish them all. (._.) Someday, maybe…
    Can’t wait to see what the answer to the weekend puzzle means! (^_^)

  6. Anonymous says:

    i just finished strangers on a train. yes, in the same day. WOOT WOOT! yea, i have basicly no social life, so i have lots of spare time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I have several differnt types of nacy Drew books but mostly the classic yellow hardcovers. i really like the originals of things.

    From me,

  8. HopeFollows says:

    I actually recently found out that my dad’s friend had a relative who was one of the secret authors of Nancy Drew. It’s a shame she passed away; I would’ve loved to get her autograph.

    Same here. 🙂 I have the first forty or fifty of the classic yellow hardcovers, the punchy feel – not plastic. I love reading originals.

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