Weekend Puzzle #176 + Video!
December 1st, 2012
Happy Friday!
Today we posted our interview with Designer Cathy! Check it out!
Also, if I speak any longer, I might give away a big spoiler. So I will stop talking now and just let you solve this weekend puzzle for your own knowledge….
(Click on the picture for a larger view).
~Little Jackalope~
I loved the interview!
Also, I noticed on the left screen is for GOTH;D
I’m getting nervous! Is ND #30 going to be the last game?! I sure hope not! (But the way everyone is talking about it, makes it sound like the last and final game!!!)
Oh my, we finally get to me the offical hands on designer! She seems very laid back. Love her already. And for the puzzle, you got me stumped LJ.. I’ll just be patient and see what it is next week. Can’t wait to see what new will come!(:
The interview video with Cathy was really fun to watch! Like you, Little Jackalope, she seems like a really fun person. (^_^) Sounds like Cathy has her hands full with the numerous jobs she has on her plate–she’s so lucky to be able to name the characters! Great post, as always, Little Jackalope!
Now all I have to do is solve the weekend puzzle…
~Norwegian Dancer
The Captive Curse
Alibi in Ashes
Treasure in a Royal Tower
Curse of Blackmoor Manor
The Final Scene
Message in a Haunted Mansion
Secret of the Old Clock
The Haunted Carousel
Stay Tuned for Danger
Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Shadow at the Water’s Edge
The Deadly Device
The Creature of Kapu Cave
Legend of the Crystal Skull
Secrets Can Kill.
Did I see, by any chance, the opening screen for GTH on one of the screens to Cathy’s right(as we fans are calling it over on the forums)?
1:captive curse
2:alibi in ashes
4:curse of blackmoor manor
5:alibi in ashes
7:old clock
9:stay tuned for danger
10:ghost dogs of moon lake
11:warnings at waverly act
12:the deadly device
13:the creature of kapu cave
14:legend of the crystal skull
15:tail of the twister
Alibi in ashes doesn’t have a 14th letter. I’m confused…
Hi I’m Elena and I’m turning 12 on Tuesday, December 4 and I am one of Nancy Drew’s biggest fans. I love your posts a lot and nothing would make me happier than if you gave me a birthday shoutout. Thank you so much!
I really hope you guys extend the Lickie Loo offer to y’alls merchandise store for the fans like me, who already own the games can’t get one. Buying a game I already have and spending $16 for it just doesn’t seem like a good way to spend my money.
If you where to expand the offer to the merchandise I’d be really grateful! 😀
I REALLY enjoyed your interview with Kathy! It’s funny because I never really knew the people on the designer team there at Her Interactive and now it’s like I’m getting to meet all the familly through your videos! On the Dare to Play blog there have been some simular interviews before, but they were so lengthy and so much text with no pictures I didn’t usualy get around to reading them! I think my favorite part was hearing Cathy call ‘GTH’ ‘goth’ I figured it was just an unpronounceable abbriviation but it’s so obvious now that I heard her say it!