Puzzle Contest Winner!

Congratulations to Laura from Colorado for winning the Weekend Puzzle Contest! Laura wins the Trail of the Twister game and strategy guide! Whoo-hoo!

Kudos to all of those detectives who worked hard on finding all of those clues hidden around the website! That was a bit hard, so great work everyone. 🙂

Here’s the solve:

First word of the title of the first Dossier game. [Lights]
First letter of the first key feature of the Wii game. [U from “Use”]
Fourth country listed under “Buy International” on the “Shops” page. [Russia]
Fifth letter of Warnings at Waverly Academy mini-game title in yellow. [K from “Snack”]
Second-to-last letter in Debbie Kircum’s profile. [I from “is”]
Name of the first character in the August 2009: Nancy Drew Dossier newsletter. [Nick]
The game fifth down on the right-side of the screen on “Games” page. [Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake]
Name of the creek in game #16. [Icicle]
Third link down to choose from when you type in “Install” into the Help page search bar. [Norton Antivirus]
The wallpaper reward from playing the DS mini-game features is a picture of what? [Train]
Title of the Dare to Play blog entry dated March 15th 2011. [Hands on the Ranch]
What character is pictured on the features list of The Haunted Carousel page? [Elliot]
Besides PC, Curse of Blackmoor Manor has been made onto what other platform? [DVD]
The third wallpaper of SHA has a “www.herinteractive.com” featured on what item? [Arrowhead]
The top left tab/link under “Community” page. [Register your game]
Last name of HI’s CFO. [Klee]

Now take [the first letter] of each answer and it will spell out [Lurking in the dark] which is the phrase (or sentence) you were to send in. Ta-da! Finished.

How did you like this contest compared to others?
~Little Jackalope~

Posted in: Uncategorized

15 responses to “Puzzle Contest Winner!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    You may want to recheck the answer on what it spells out. The last word is “Dark”, isn’t it?

  2. FireRose says:

    Wait… Doesn’t that actually spell out “Lurking In The Dark”, not “Shadows”?

  3. Anonymous says:

    i thought it was really good, but i didn’t understand what we were supposed to do after finding the answers to the clues. I read the hint that it made a sentence, but I didn’t know you had to use the first letters of the words. Was that the point (to figure out how to make a sentence)?

  4. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    Good job Laura!

    The scavenger hunt was a lot of fun, Little Jackalope. Thanks for the puzzle!

    Maybe you haven’t decided yet, but maybe you have, will we get more contests or will you start giving us normal Weekend Puzzles again?

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  5. Anonymous says:

    I never sent in an answer because I never finished the puzzle.I was definently harder than the first but I love variety in puzzles.Hope you might do another one sometime.Congrats to the winner!

    From me,

  6. Anonymous says:

    What? No! I thought it was Lurking in the Dark! How did you get Shadows? Taking the first letter of each word clearly spells out lurking in the dark.

  7. ND fan 89 says:

    Why ‘shadows’ instead of ‘dark’?
    I submit lurking in the dark! not lurking in the shadows! Ah…

  8. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    Shouldn’t it be Lurking in the Dark instead of Lurking in the Shadows? I wonder how I got confused…

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  9. Anonymous says:

    I liked it! Please have more. I really like this blog. I tune in EVERY daY (except for weekends of cores :)) Keep on Slething:)

  10. Katie says:

    I think accidentally typed the wrong word in the answer phrase. Not a big deal, I just thought I’d point it out. 😉

  11. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    Little Jackalope, what do you do at HI? I was just curious because you seem to do a lot of things (I’ve taken a quick look at previous months/years on AS), but nothing in particular. I don’t mean to be offensive — sorry if I am. I’m just curious.

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  12. Alright, who put that “shadows” word in there? *cough*cough*. You are all right: it should be “dark”. Fixed.

  13. …that was to make sure you were paying attention. 😉

  14. Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan:

    In answer to your question: I wite this blog for one. I also do a lot of little things that you may have seen around, I act mysterious, read a lot, type on my computer, and think like Nancy.

    Ok so that might not have been very specific…hehe. 🙂

  15. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    Ok. Thanks for telling me!

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

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