A sad day…with bricks.

We had to say goodbye to a dear friend this weekend, because he is moving on to a new case of his own. His hard work, fun presense, and clever use of words will be greatly missed, but it is time to let him move on to a new adventure. ;(

Sad thoughts aside, I’ve been doing a little clutter organizing on my computer, along with some art cleaning. It’s all in preparation for next month’s specials, updates, downloads and everything else that might surprisingly pop up. We always try to remain one step ahead.

Take a look at this! This was left on my desk: a nicely wrapped package of 100% authentic (and heavy) red bricks. I learned this is a long-running joke between the Production and Marketing departments, something about when the cubicles got moved around. Now I get them, and I’m trying to find a reason to pass them on…or give them back. ^.^

~One of three huge bricks~
There are a few changes going on here in the office, so our home site might be delaying its updates, no worries, I haven’t forgotten you! The download for the week is another Haunting of Castle Malloy bookmark. Here it is.

Weekend puzzle hasn’t been touched, yet? Here’s a hint to push you in the right direction [The code is medieval.]

~Little Jackalope~

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