What to do…

I hate to say it, but the week has been pretty… bland… We’ve been doing lots of research this month, trying to determine what kinds of things we want to try and accomplish this year. I imagine the D2P blog has hinted at it a bit.

We’re working hard to come up with the best content for you all to enjoy! It can be a challenge trying to figure out what we really want to do to improve our games, and if we can actually do it. Every department has to face this challenge. Whether it’s creating new features (like the cell phone camera in WAC) or adding more character animations, we’ve got to plan it all out ahead of time to make sure we can fit it in without stopping any of the things you all enjoy. It’s a delicate balance, but in the end, it all pays off. 😉

As for yesterday’s question, it certainly looks like thin mints are in the lead. I suppose that’s to be expected. Now if only they made some sort of KoKo Kringle product…

Congratulations on solving the puzzle #37! You can see how it’s done below. We’ll have another great puzzle tomorrow, so be sure to come back then!

– Answer to Puzzle #37 –

‘Next to att–, th-s syste- he– s—-ar va-ue.’

You need to figure out which Nancy Drew game this is referring to. To start you need to determine [ the missing letters using a little guess work. ] Eventually you can break down the possible answers to [ Next to attic, this system held similar value. ]

This gives us another clue to solving the puzzle, [ Attic ] is a [ numbering ] system that has roots similar to that of [ Roman numerals. ]

If you paid close attention you’ll notice that [ all of the letters removed were roman numerals. ]

Lastly you can see that [ two numerals were left in the original message, X and V. ] Add them together and you get [15, and the 15th game was… ]

[ The Creature of Kapu Cave ]


– Novel –

Posted in: Uncategorized

2 responses to “What to do…”

  1. wodedrawling says:

    I think it’d be nice to click out of some of those long walking animations–like a “skip animation” button. Don’t get me wrong–the animation is awesome and I LOVE the games. It’s just that when I need to go back to the entrance of a tunnel or trail, etc., I get a bit impatient. One example would be the very long animation for going through the tunnel under the fish fountain in Danger by Design.

  2. Corbalizer (previously Helena Berg Fan) says:

    Random question:
    Is it okay if I ask some very, very minor questions about the game…
    1. What is the abbreviation of the title of”The Trail of the Twister”? I heard it’s TOT> (But please could you clarify it?)

    2. What is the theme color of the name?

    If you’d rather not spoil any info even if it is very minor, I’ll understand anyway…;-)

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