Anniversaries of Others

Did you know that the ESRB turned 15 this year? They’ve been reviewing and rating games for a decade and a half!

I spent a great deal of time today ensuring that we’re still up to code with all of our rating information. This means I had to make sure our packaging, trailers, and ads all had the proper symbols and lingo. They’ve got some pretty strict content guidelines, but it all helps to distinguish between their various ratings. And we certainly want to ensure the precision of their content analysis. Otherwise, who knows what you’d get. 😛

Also today, we said a fond farewell to Nadine, one of our beloved interns. We wish her well in all her future endeavors and thank her immensely for all of her help throughout this year.

And on to sunnier subjects; for your hint today, I’ve been instructed to tell you two things:

It looks like you’ve figured out the boxes, you’ll just need to figure out the statement with all of those letters.
You’ll know you’re on the right track if you end up with 8 words.

See ya soon!

– Novel –

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