Travel Tips?
I’ve often thought about all the awesome locations we get to travel to as Nancy Drew. And after reading some of the message board, I’d have to say it is a pretty hot topic.
Nancy has solved cases in France, England, and Italy just to name a few. And sure, she’s seen her fair share of crime this side of the Atlantic, but where else would we like to see her? I’ve seen posts for China, Australia, and more. It would seem the more exotic the better!
I think that’s one of the things I most enjoy in these mysteries though is the history, the culture. I think the team does a great job giving us plenty to think about in these settings. We learn about a culture, its history and language, and sometimes even the customs and local legends. It’s like an interactive encyclopedia.
We eagerly allow ourselves to be whisked away to another lands. It’s a pleasant experience to spend a few hours in our favorite heroine’s shoes. I don’t know if I could deal with many of the things Nancy faces on a daily basis; dastardly villains, dangerous traps, it’s all quite alarming. But maybe that’s what makes it such an experience. We borrow her courage and charge headlong into adventure. From scary castles to shadowy graveyards, with Nancy at my side, I’ll gladly visit them all, and maybe, I’ll learn a little something along the way.
Now where to next?
Ooh! Please make a game in Japan! There is a huge petition for it on the message boards with more than 600 signers!!! I think that would be so much fun!
I would love to see Nancy travel to Peru! The Clue in the Crossword Cipher is based there and since we’ve never gone to South America, that would be so cool! Think of the puzzle opportunities!! I remember that was always one of my favorite Nancy Drew books.
I’d love to see a game in Scotland! Africa would be really neat, too.
And though traveling is a ton of fun, a game in River Heights would be a dream come true! It would be so cool to see Nancy’s hometown.
I think Barcelona, Spain would be amazing! The architecture, and the city as a whole seems so beautiful from stuff I’ve seen about it =)
Its so hilarious that you posted this, one of my friends and I talk about this, about once a week–where we have recently been as Nancy Drew =)
When I was 12, my family and I visited Friday Harbor, on San Juan Island. We loved it. To this day, it remains my absolute favourite vacation. Sadly, as I live on the other side of the country, we’ve never visited it since. Playing “Danger on Deception Isle” isn’t quite the same thing, but it really captures the feeling of an island in the San Juans. I play it whenever I really, really miss it and have found that it helps a lot!
It would be cool to go to Russia, Area 51, Australia, or Montenegro. Ha, bet not many people have requested that last location.
How about Japn? I’v always wanted to visit that!
Japan!! I think that the Cherry Blossoms there are beautiful! I’v never actually been tther but still….
Well i’d say Japan. Because it HAS to beautiful there, and its cool!
Totally Australia! What do you think about that Novel?????
I think that Nancy should go to Australia! I would love to see her there!
-Nancy 236
Australia sounds awesome! I would hope they could find a reason to take Nancy there, maybe she could work at the zoo!
Japan & Egypt 😀 both of those would be awesome.
This is what I love about Nancy Drew games, and how they’re even able to work all those aspects into the puzzles.
why are all your villians ‘dastardly’?
Area 51 would be awesome. One of the “aliens” could be the suspect.
there’s a lot of potential there for a great mystery!
Australiaaaaaa 😀 Although, I might be disappointed because I live there, and will probably have a really high expectation. Hm… Japan would be great too 🙂
We just had an International festival at our school, so there is a few places that I’d like to see. Austria (there is some really neat architecture there!), Japan, Korea, India, Brazil…to name a few. 😀
I say Japan or Egypt!
oh, please Scotland! I truly love it there.
I’d love to see Nancy in Egypt. The pyramids, the Nile, the history, the culture…all so mysterious!
Egypt. Go to Giza. On an archeological dig. I love archeology!
Texas! That would be soo cool! But i would love a game in Germany! HER has had lots of characters from Germany! (helena, henrick, etc..)
-♥ Maggie 🙂
It would be thrilling to play a Nancy Drew game with an Asian cultural backdrop. Perhaps Japan (Kyoto or Tokyo) has the most intriguing and visually stunning such culture. Not to distant runners up could include Chinese (Hong Kong, Beijing, or Shanghai), India (New Delhi, Agra or Jaipur), Thailand (Bangkok), or Cambodia (Angor Wat).
Other locales which could make fantastic Nancy Drew game locations are Australia [e.g. Aboriginal/Outback] (and/or perhaps New Zealand [e.g. Maori]), Latin America (Mexico, Peru, Amazonia, Patagonia, Robinson Crusoe Islands, Galapagos Islands, etc), and the Caribbean (ooooh – pirates!).
Very exotic locations which could be worked into a game could include Africa (tropical, savannah, or sahara), the Middle East (Egypt, Dubai or Turkey), Antarctica/Arctic/Greenland, Central Asia (Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, etc) or Melanesia (Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, etc). I have doubts about Micronesia, but Polynesia is always a favorite, but that theme was already covered in The Creature of Kapu Cave.
More mainstream locations which would be fun for all include Scandinavia, Russia or other Eastern European locations like the Czech Republic or Romania (or Montenegro!), or some more US locations like Florida (Everglades, citrus farms, or space center), Appalachia, Great Plains/Prairie, Hollywood, Alaska, Boston, Niagara Falls, or good old River Heights!
The geographical locations are always fun, but the type of mystery is what always makes the game a winner. You can never go wrong with a big, creepy mansion, whether it be in downtown San Francisco, in the French Quarter of New Orleans, in the wilderness of Wisconsin, or on the Moors of England. They always make some of the best gaming experiences!
There are 2 Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew Super Mysteries that would be fabulous game material. My first choice is Australia. The book is called Danger Down Under and it has Nancy battling poisonous snakes. *shudder*
The other book that would be an awesome game is Secrets of the Nile where Nancy and Bess go to Egypt. =D
I’m unbelievable impressed at all the thought you all have put into this! Thanks for the wonderful comments!
I think Scotland, Australia/New Zealand, or Egypt would be wonderful game locations!
I love the Area 51 idea! That would be a fantastic new direction for Nancy to go in. Maybe one day she could end up in SPACE! How inspiring would that be for young fans?
Japan and Egypt are great ideas! How about Scandanavia or Taiwan?
Egypt would be amazing. Pyramids, mummies…I would be so impatient for that game!
Or she could go to Florida again, but head to the Everglades or something. I would love to have Nancy visit my state!
Or (yes, another “or”) you could set one in Peru, which is like number 1 on my places to visit list.
I would love a game in Egypt. They have such a rich culture, with Cleopatra, King Tut, Nefertiti, and so much more.
Another place that would be amazing is Greece. From pictures I’ve seen, it looks absolutely gorgeous. And they have mythology (which I adore) and ancient Greece is a very interesting time to learn about.