ND en Francais

Parlez-vous francais? Ouais, je parle un peu… quelqu’un?



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9 responses to “ND en Francais”

  1. Sparkledetectiv says:

    So I’m pretty amazed that I can understand the first part of that! 😀 YAY!
    I wish I could read the French version of ND…aka Alice! Just to see if it differs much from the version we read…

  2. Aly (emeraldkitty15) says:

    Hmm… I think Ouai would have an s at the end. Anyways… oui, je parle francais! J’adore francais! (In other words, “Yes, I speak French. I love French!)

  3. AS says:

    @ Aly –
    Peut-etre, mais j’ai appris la forme sans une “s” 🙂

  4. Hillary says:

    Je parle francais! 🙂

  5. Lib says:

    Can – etre, but I learned form without “S”:)

    I love French. So why does Nancy
    have different names in other

  6. Anonymous says:

    «Ouais» is to «oui» what «yeah» is to «yes» and it always take an S.

  7. Anonymous says:

    That’s so sweet that her name is Alice! That’s my name.

    Oui, je parle Francais! A little, at least. I’m still learning it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I own 3 Nancy Drew books in French…so far! I get them from the French book fair on NYC East Side. Or you can order them off Amazon.fr I think. I’m having so much fun with mine!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Ah, j’adore francais.
    C’est la vie.

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