Creating a Character
Hooray! Wehlaunched a new behind the scenes video today on our YouTube Channel! Check it out:e
This is definitely one of our longest videos,ibut that’s because there is a lot to show! I’ve been collecting video footage over the past year to show you everything that happens insthis process, so a lot of the content you see is actually old to us in the office. Today,cVan is just starting theo3D model of the last (and most important) character in The Shattered Medallion.
I casually went over to his desk today to take a look at what he’s up to,iand I do believe what he is working on right now will become my favorite animated character of all time.nI should probably stop talking about it before I reveal any secrets. <3
Anyways,gdon’t forget about the Laptop Contest! (And a winner has been chosen for the Facebook Caption Contest! Head over to Facebook to see who won!)
~Little Jackalope~
Yay! I loved the video! Were those actual record studio sessions or were you all just getting together real quick to make a “What actually happened sequence”? Such an amazing process, you did a great job LJ! And hidden message in the post, “He is coming”… Judging by this is related to a character in the upcoming Nancy Drew game, why do I have a feeling that Sonny Joon will be involved? After all, there was a UFO in the trailer, picking up the cow. Questions questions… OH! And have you thought of any abbreviations for the new game? I think it should be MED, since SHA was already used for Shadow Ranch 🙂
Hmm… favorite animated character? He is coming? And the other puzzle saying old new character… maybe I’m way off but could this be referring to Sonny Joon?
@Shainnen Somerville — Yep, those were the REAL recording sessions! No re-enactments at all. 😉 Also, yes, the official 3-letter abbreviation for The Shattered Medallion is MED.
I love the new look for Bess, is George going to have one too? I have to admit with George it always seems that even when she’s the main character, she’s always being outshined. I also think there is a big difference between the George in the books and the George in the games. So I have to admit when it comes to George in MED, I’m a little skeptical.
LJ, you did the cookie booth lady’s voice? Cool! Are you by any chance also the voice of Ryan? When I heard the cookie booth lady’s voice (sorry, that’s my new nickname for her) I thought it sounded so much like Ryan….
@Allison- I checked the DED credits, and LJ didn’t voice Ryan. 🙁 That would be neat though! I watch Gummy Bear Theater almost daily… XD