Task list: Check!

Ah, Wednesdays! In the heart of the week, we still create to-do lists. Here’s mine:

~Make sure art is in the right place
~Use that art to create something awesome
~Read through old scripts
~Make a spreadsheet
~Send an email or two
~Eat a cookie

Unfortunately all I can check off is that last one. If only my task list looked like Nancy’s from in the games. It would be cool if it was on my computer screen so when I try checking off something I will hear Nancy’s voice saying “That’s done!” or “Can’t check that off yet!” and I would feel so accomplished.

Nancy has a smart phone, I wonder what sort of organizing abilities we could add to it in the future…if she even needs it what with her handy task list. Phones seem to do a lot these days, but in a fictional world, they could do even more. Hmm…*scheming*.

Ta-ta for now!
~Little Jackalope~

Posted in: Uncategorized

2 responses to “Task list: Check!”

  1. Jessica says:

    Are we ever going to see Nancy’s face? A mystery only she could solve 😀

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