Nancy in the New Year

Welcome to 2011!  Did you have a great New Year?  Hopefully you had a chance to play a Nancy Drew game or two over the winter break.  We solved a few mysteries of our own here, but just like you, many of us were enjoying some time off.  Now we're all re-energized and ready to get going in the New Year, and wouldn't you know it, we've got a big year planned!  Nancy's going to be busy with cases this year, but she had some time to write out a few New Year's resolutions to help keep her on track:

  1. Get a new magnifying glass (scratch-proof this time)
  2. Work with other excellent sleuths (I'm talking about you Frank and Joe)
  3. Spend more time with Ned, Bess, and George
  4. Help Hannah and Dad around the house more
  5. Take a relaxing vacaction (one without a ghost or mystery or ancient curse…)

What else do you think Nancy should put on her list for this year?  Did you write a list of your own?

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