
I’ve taken to writing things on my hands and arms in pen.  It’s a diversion I picked up in grade school, one I’m weary to break now.   Of course I fear roaming the office in faux-tattooed fashion, proclaiming to all an urgency to leftovers and dry-cleaning.  But such is not the case.  I’m bring it up currently, as a reference to my experiences with TOT.

I’m in an office, one filled with binders, note-pads, post-its and about 30 other recording devices.  I’ve got a veritable forest of paper products built with the sole intent of accepting my thoughts to their surface, and I’m utterly ignoring them. Twice today I’ve found myself scrawling notations of puzzles on my hands so I can work in secret during meetings (shhh) and while I was walking to get some lunch.  Certainty of quality must be realized when a game has backed me into such a wall.  Now I can’t say if the puzzles are hard or not, but they have been lingering in my head, and that’s no easy feat.

Speaking of puzzles, we’ve got a brand new one for you tomorrow.  Catch ya then.

– Novel (set) –

Posted in: Uncategorized

One response to “Inky”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I know this has nothing to do with the subject, but will there ever be a game where you will get to see what Nancy looks like?

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