Windows Vista / Windows 7 Installation – Digital Download
If an older game did not install automatically on your Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer, use the instructions on this page to install your game manually.
This page gives instructions for installing older games on Windows Vista/Windows 7 from a digital download. Click here for help installing older games from a game disc. To install on Windows 8 click here.
If you had previously installed, uninstall the game. Then delete all remaining game files and folders from your computer. To search for game files, go to Start > Start Search/Search Bar > and type in the name of the game. Delete any results, and empty your Recycle Bin.
Once this is done, make sure you’re logged on as an Administrator for your computer, disable your anti-virus protection, and manually install by taking the following steps:
1. Go to your Documents folder and create a new folder. Rename the folder with the title of the game.
2. Double-click on the Setup Launcher (i.e. the downloaded game file) to start the installation process.
3. Move through the Nancy Drew game installer until you reach Choose Destination Location. Click the Browse button or Change button.
4. Navigate to the game folder you created by double-clicking in the Directories box. Select C: drive > Users > User name > Documents > Game Folder you created. When you have the correct Path, choose OK.
5. Continue forward with the installation process. When asked if you want to install DirectX, check “No, I will install myself.”
6. Upon completion, click finish and exit setup.
For game titles #3 – #5, you may need to follow these three additional steps:
1. Right-click the game icon that is now on your desktop, select ‘Properties’.
2. Under ‘Properties’, click on the ‘Compatibility’ tab.
3. Check the ‘Run in Compatibility Mode’ box and then select ‘Windows 98/Me’ from the drop-down menu.
I have done all of this and it has worked for all the other games, but with Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon it doesn’t work. It will never ask me to put the second disk in. And after about 5 min of downloading it says it is done and I will never need disk 2 again.
Hi Taylor! These instructions are for the digital download. Check out the directions for the disk installation here. If that doesn’t help, please email with what’s wrong. Thanks!
Thank you so much!
This doesn’t work for Stay Tuned for Danger. :l
Hi Nattles, we discontinued Stay Tuned for Danger since it does not work on newer computers. 🙁 If you have a Windows 2000 or Windows ME it may work. For help on installing on an older computer, please contact us at
I’m trying to download curse of blackmoor manor on my laptop- I followed the instructions but I keep getting errors when I select setup. is there a way around this to download the game?
Hi Elizabeth! Contact us if you still have this issue, and we can help!
I purchased an old Nancy Drew game, Stay Tuned for Danger. I followed the steps that you have given me.
It installed fine, but every time I try to enter the game it gives me this:
“Nancy Drew is unable to play sound for you, we have changed the way we play our sound and now the game is shutting down. Please restart the game and have fun!”
I press OK and enter back into the game and it continues to give me that.
I have uninstalled and installed the game many times.
Is there something else I need to do?
Hi Ashley! Please email us at for more details on this. Thanks!
I have Windows 7, and I downloaded the digital version of Danger by Design. The game downloads without any issues, but when I open the game it is frozen on the beginning screen with the HerInteractive logo. The music/sound is working fine, but the screen is frozen and clicking or just waiting for it to resolve itself hasn’t worked. I tried these instructions and got the same result. Any suggestions? (Any other Nancy Drew games I’ve downloaded have worked, but this is my first digital download).
Hi Jean! Please contact us at and we can help. 🙂
I purchased and downloaded secret of the scarlet hand, and now every time I try to launch the game it says it is shutting the game down. it does not even show the logo, the screen is white. I am very upset because I just purchased this game… now I cannot play it. For future reference, you should remove all the games that are not compatible with windows 10 so people don’t waste their money. thanks.
Hi Sofia! This can be fixed. Would you please email us at so we can help you get it installed? Thanks!
hi, I downloaded treasure in the royal tower by digital download and did all these things but when I open the game it says it cannot be displayed in this mode. I switch the size of my screen display from 1366*768 to 1024*768 but it still doesn’t work. Any other help????
Hmmm, our tech support could better answer this question for you. Would you please email us at Thanks!
I am getting the “Nancy Drew is unable to play sound for you, we have changed the way we play our sound and now the game is shutting down. Please restart the game and have fun!” message too! Please help!!!
Hi Laura, I’m sorry that’s coming up. Would you please email us at with this issue? Thank you!
I have installed Nancy Drew Stay Tuned for Danger but the game won’t run at all. I am on windows 10 I purchased this game 4 days ago from your site.
Hello Sarah! Have you followed the instructions in the installation video on the page for Stay Tuned for Danger? If you still have trouble with that, please email us at Thank you!
I downloaded Stay Tuned For Danger (digital copy) and once I install and go through the setup process, when I double click the desktop icon it does nothing. I’ve emailed you.
Thank you for emailing us, Crystal. Our tech support is out of the office, but she will get back to you when she’s back. (I take it you’ve watched the install video on the page for Stay Tuned for Danger?)
I did 🙁 still isn’t wanting to work
The video says to double click “SETUP.EXE” but that isn’t listed in my “Stay Tuned For Danger” folder.
Hi again Crystal, would you please email us at and let us know what you did in downloading/installing? Thanks!
Hello Crsytal! Would you please email us at and update us with what you tried? Thank you!
I was wondering if I use the digital download on Secret of the Scarlet Hand & Curse of Blackmoor Manor… Will it work on Windows 7? I don’t want to download it to my computer and it ends up working.
Hello T. Norville! Yes, those games will work on Windows 7, but you may have to use a work-around method to install it a little differently. Follow this FAQ set of instructions, and if you have trouble, please email us at
I just wanted to put this out there for anyone having game launch issues after following the install and compatibility directions. I went back to compatibility and selected “Run in 640×480 Screen” and the game (Ghost Dogs) finally launched. I did not have this issue with an of the previous games.