Nancy Drew Central Retirement

Beginning with game #25, Alibi in Ashes, Nancy Drew Central (NDC) will no longer be added to future games.

This means you won’t be able to launch installed games from one location anymore. You’ll need to launch the game from the usual installed program locations: (a) game shortcut icon on your desktop, or (b) Start menu > All Programs > Nancy Drew > Alibi in Ashes > Play Alibi in Ashes, or (c) from the .exe or Application file in the installed game folder.

Alibi in Ashes will not uninstall NDC from your desktop, it just won’t add any new titles to your game directory. Previously installed games in NDC will still be available through NDC. If you delete NDC from your machine, you’ll need to reinstall the most recent game disc you have for titles from # 16, The White Wolf of Icicle Creek, through #24, The Captive Curse, to reinstall NDC.

Any games you currently have installed can still be launched and played from your computer.

Check here for help with Nancy Drew Central “Object Reference” error.



2 responses to “Nancy Drew Central Retirement”

  1. says:

    I really liked Nancy Drew Central. Why was it retired?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi! I don’t remember the exact reasons, but it might have been compatibility issues or user interface problems. I vguely remember you’d have to install the games in order so that they would all show up in NDC – which was a problem.

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