Windowed Display on Screens Smaller than 1024 x 768

Nancy Drew Games from #26 and higher display in 1024 x 768 resolution. On computer screens with a display height of 768 pixels or less, when the Game Option is set to Windowed mode, the game Taskbar may extend past the bottom of the computer screen or behind the Windows Taskbar (on PC).

There are two options for playing these games.

1) To play in Windowed mode on 1024×768 resolution on PC, set the Windows Taskbar at the bottom of the Desktop to Hidden during gameplay.

Instructions on hiding the Taskbar are at Windows Support (external site).
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
Windows XP:

2) To play in Full Screen mode, leave the Display Option set to Full Screen.

If the Display Option for Windowed mode has been selected, and the Game Taskbar is now inaccessible, close the game by clicking the ‘X’ button in the upper-right corner. Then go to Start Menu > Documents > [Game Title]. In this folder there is an .INI file. Delete this file. The next time the game is started it will display in Full Screen mode.



8 responses to “Windowed Display on Screens Smaller than 1024 x 768”

  1. Katherine Witvoet says:

    I just bought and downloaded the ghost dogs of moon lake by herinteractive and when I bring the game up, it is showing the game in a little 4 inch by 4 inch box inside a black screen?

  2. Don Taggart says:

    Same here. We have Haunted Carousel on Steam and have a quarter of the screen showing up. Other games are fine (Shadow at Waters Edge, Thornton Hall, etc)

  3. Riley Stewart says:

    I’m also having the same issue with White Wolf of Icicle Creek and all the other games listed in the above comments

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