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#21 Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy

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About Game

$14.99 $11.99 with code LOVEMYSTERY25
10 to Adult
Retail Release October 2009

Game Story

Nancy Drew®: Warnings at Waverly Academy

Enroll in a School Plagued by Suspicions and Lies! You, as Nancy Drew, are undercover at a prestigious girls’ boarding school to discover the culprit behind threatening notes and dangerous accidents aimed at its valedictorian candidates! Is there a secret someone wants to protect or are the girls playing games to scare away the competition – permanently? Solve the mystery before the threats turn deadly and you’re expelled from Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy! Please Note: The physical version of this game is sold out and has been officially retired, however, the digital download version is still available.

Free Strategy Guide with Game

You’ll get this free strategy guide walkthrough with your purchase of the game from Her Interactive.

Already own the game? You can purchase the Official Digital Strategy guide here!


“The Her Interactive "Nancy Drew" series has achieved great popularity because all of the games feature two compelling components: a great mystery and fascinating puzzles. "Warnings at Waverly Academy" is no exception.“ ~USAToday

“Nancy Drew Warnings at Waverly Academy is a great example of what a good adventure game for teens should embody. The setting is current and relevant, while incorporating imaginative details that are fun to experience. The puzzles are engaging without being too taxing, and are mixed into the story nicely. The plot is paced well.“ ~PC GameZone

“Very high production values. Great characters. Creative use of your cellphone. Interesting variety of puzzles. No need to win arcade-style games.“ ~Gamezebo

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Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy
Average rating:  
 60 reviews
 by Lily

This was the first Nancy Drew game I ever played with my mom and it is hands-down still my favorite over 10 years later. I remember her letting me play the snack shop mini-game when I was little (which is still one of the funnest “jobs” in any ND game in my opinion. The puzzles are interesting and challenging, and the storyline is captivating. This game is AMAZING!!

 by monique g
ehh its ok

this isn't a BAD game at all, but it def isn't one of the great ones. the puzzles are a little more challenging for my liking, and u need to get some online help with a lot of them. and to be honest its just not that fun of a game. the puzzles are quite dull. I played senior detective, beat in 3 days.

 by avery g

I love this game so much. Its so much fun you should play it now. Keep making games like this one.

 by cate
warnings at waverly academy

very enjoyable. the girls were not very likable except Rachel and Mel. ending was pretty good. music wasnt very good. but everything else about it was very very good. getting the warning was exciting. good story too.

 by Jillian Laura Mathews
Warnings at Waverly Academy

This was actually my first game, I got from my brother for my 15th birthday and I've playing them ever since, they're literally the only types of games I play!

 by Budford

This game is awesome! One of my all time favorites. I could play it over and over and never get tired of it.

 by Julianna
The Best!!

This was the first ND game I had ever played and ever since i've played almost all of them, but they have never beat this one. I wish all of them were like Waverly!!!!

 by Anonymous

This is by far my favourite game - it has the perfect scattering of mini games and so much of that that tingling feeling when you roam the halls at night- I just love it so much

 by Budford
All Time favorite!

If you are looking for the perfect Nancy Drew game this is the one!

 by Storm

The array of different female characters, the boarding school setting, cool puzzles, and creepiness factor all made this game a favorite of mine. Helps I'm a Poe fan, too. 🙂

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ESRB Rating:





10 to Adult


Retail Release October 2009

Operating System:

Windows® XP/Vista/7/8/10

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU, 256 MB of RAM
  • 1 GB or more of hard drive space
  • 32 MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card
  • 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
  • 24X CD-ROM drive, mouse, and speakers

Read End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Play as Nancy Drew and go undercover at a exclusive girls’ academy
  • Immerse yourself in the high school drama by text messages, cramming for projects, and navigating social cliques
  • Run the school snack bar and play air hockey in the student lounge
  • Build a chemical DNA strand
  • Learn about 19th century dinner courses & silverware
  • Assemble orthographic views
  • Assemble the map of the USA
  • Read music to play the piano
  • Choose from junior or senior detective difficulty levels

Game Characteristics

  • Point & Click Gameplay
  • Mystery Adventure Genre
  • Interactive Storyline
  • Strong Female Protagonist
  • Rich and Intriguing Characters
  • Single Player Game
  • First Person POV
  • Subtle Hints System
  • Challenging Puzzles
  • Gorgeous Environments
  • Detective Investigation
  • Immersive Controls
  • Realistic Settings

Izzy Romero

The Queen Bee herself, Izzy is at the top of the social ladder. She’s the student body president and the life of the party. Keeping her crown as the queen of the school is no easy feat though. Is she resorting to scare tactics to keep everyone else from threatening her position at the top?

Nancy Drew Character: Izzy

Mel Corbalis

A self-professed outcast and a recluse, Mel spends most of her time disliking the social cliques in school and practicing her cello. She was automatically accepted because she comes from a long line of alumnae, but she doesn’t really want to attend Waverly. Would she send threats to the other girls to bring down the social ladder?

Nancy Drew Character: Mel

Leela Yadav

Leela is the all-star athlete, who is as fierce at competing academically as she is on the soccer field. With the race for valedictorian heating up and the contenders so close in rank, would Leela’s need to win at all costs drive her to make drastic plans to gain the competitive edge?

Nancy Drew Character: Leela

Corine Myers

Although Corine may be the smartest of the valedictorian candidates, she doesn’t really fit in with the group. The other girls think she tries too hard to be popular and don’t include her in their parties. If Corine can’t join the ‘in-crowd’, then maybe she can get their attention in other ways…

Nancy Drew Character: Corine

Rachel Hubbard

Three weeks ago, Rachel nearly had the title for valedictorian in the bag, but then she failed a test! In order for her to regain the lead, all of the other girls would also need to fail a test or paper. Scaring the other girls with threatening notes from the Black Cat would certainly distract them from their studies…

Nancy Drew Character: Rachel

#21 Nancy Drew: Warnings at Waverly Academy

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