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#15 Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave

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About Game

10 to Adult
Retail Release October 2006

Game Story

Nancy Drew®: The Creature of Kapu Cave

Team up with the Hardy Boys® and Track an Ancient Legend Through Hawaii!

You, as Nancy Drew, go to Hawaii to serve as a research assistant to Dr. Quigley Kim. A devastating scourge is destroying the pineapple crop causing residents to whisper that a local research compound has awoken the legendary Kane ‘Okala. Upon arriving, Nancy discovers the camp ravaged and Dr. Kim missing. Coincidentally, the Hardy Boys are also on the Island to complete a top-secret mission, but it’s up to Nancy to uncover this intricate web of mysteries in Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave!

Free Strategy Guide with Game

You’ll get this free strategy guide walkthrough with your purchase of the game from Her Interactive.

Already own the game? You can purchase the Official Digital Strategy guide here!


“Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave is aimed at gamers who like sleuthing in exotic surroundings with a lively cast of suspects. Also aimed at the many fans of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew.” ~GameBoomers

“In short, Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave is an excellent game in an excellent series of games. Although the Nancy Drew series is ostensibly designed for young girls, all fans of adventure games owe it to themselves to give these fine games a chance.” ~Adventure Classic Gaming

“I enjoyed this game for most of the reasons I have liked previous games in this series. What is improved is that Her Interactive has tried to take the graphic design element to a higher level. This will help the games to grow with their players. The inclusion of new playable characters, Frank and Joe Hardy, also broadens the game's appeal and adds more flavour to the gameplay.” ~Adventure Gamers

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Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave
Average rating:  
 17 reviews
 by Marlou
Meh, too short

I enjoyed the vibe of the game and the activities you can do at big island mike's place, but that's about it. There were not a lot of puzzles and the game was way too short. It was over before I knew it and I felt as if I had just started, but sadly that was it.

 by Julia
The Creature of Kapu cave

I loved this one! i loved fishing and searching for shells to make necklaces,I especially liked that the hardy boys were in it overall i would recommend buying this game.

 by cate
the creature of kapu cave

i guess this one was ok i forgot what the mystery was its been awhile. the ending was surprising im not sure i like it though. big island mike disgusts me i mean suriously i gave him like a billian snow cones and he ate them all until i got the right flavors no wonder hes so big. i like the hardy boys and switching between them and nancy. the puzzles were really hard. some things were fun but i dont recommend this one as a first game.

 by Sherinne
Never Expected

I have played almost all ND games but I put off Kapu Cave due to many bad reviews. I decided to try it anyway and it was actually very enjoyable and fun! Although the puzzles were too easy and the graphics of the characters need improvement but the game itself has good plots and I enjoyed the exchanges between Nancy and the Hardy Boys.

 by Anks
Go Hardy or go home!

I simply loved being able to switch between the Hardy boys and Nancy. ND-games always make me laugh at how a 'Krolmeister Device' is used in every single game 🙂

This game was particularly short, like 'secret of the old clock'. That's why, to me, it wasn't worth it's money completely. But the setting, mythology and plot more than made up for it.

Oh, and also, in my opinion, catching the culprit here was kind of obvious and less of a surprise towards the ending...

 by Miri
Peril in Paradise

Nancy is in Hawaii working as an assistant to an entomologist, no mystery, just a working holiday.

Then she runs into the Hardy Boys! Frank and Joe are on a case nearby. When Nancy arrives at camp she finds it destroyed! Was is Kane Okala the rough skinned man, and does this have anything to do with the mysterious destruction of local pineapple crops?

Play as Frank and Joe, go fishing, collect seashells go snorkeling and eat shaved ice.

Play as Nancy and explore the jungle, and Dr. Craven's Lab, help Dr. Kim with her experiments and check out Kapu Cave. Learn about Hawaii and volcanoes.

 by Soozielee
Aloha everyone!

The plot of this game is very well done and diversified. As Nancy, we get to explore the jungle and discover many things about entomology; and as the Hardy boys, we get to walk on the beach, go scuba diving and do many things related to Hawaiian culture. Being able to switch characters gives the Creature of Kapu Cave a good "playing pace"; indeed, instead of only calling the Hardy boys to get hints, we get to play as them to find those hints and give them to Nancy, in addition to conducting their own investigation. I really loved this aspect of the game, after all, it is the first time we get to play with another character.

This Nancy Drew is one of my favorite ND games! It is exotic and very interesting from a educational point of view. I really loved all the scientific part of the plot, and the overall atmosphere of the game.

I clearly recommand it: Creature of Kapu Cave is a really good game with a nice plot, nice characters and nice puzzles.

 by Jordan
Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys Take Hawaii

This is definitely one of my favorite Nancy drew games! I love how it takes place in Hawaii and all of the fun games in it. My favorite part is that you are able to play as Nancy, Frank, or Joe. I would love if another game featured the Hardy Boys also!

 by Sarah Winn
The Best of Both Worlds

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, one the of the best cross-over teams in history. This game lets you play as all three while exploring a creepy and beautiful Island in Hawaii. With Nancy, Frank and Joe all in the same game - this is one of my all time favorite games.

 by Laynie K
I love this game!

This was my first Nancy Drew game I ever played, I got this game as a gift back in 2009 and I have been meaning to review it for forever! Like all devoted Nancy Drew Fans, the first game I ever played will always hold a special place in my heart. This game is perfect for beginners because it's easy to follow and it has the Hardy Boys in it! The only thing I really didn't like about this game was the frass sorting, which is the hardest puzzle of the game.

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ESRB Rating:





10 to Adult


Retail Release October 2006

Operating System:

Windows® XP/Vista/7/8/10

Minimum System Requirements:

  • 1 GHz or greater Pentium or equivalent class CPU
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 1 GB or more of hard drive space
  • 32 MB DirectX compatible video card
  • 16 bit DirectX compatible sound card
  • 24X CD-ROM drive, mouse, and speakers

Read End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Play as Nancy Drew and Frank and Joe Hardy
  • Snorkel for shells and get hooked on fishing
  • Design shell necklaces to trade for Big Island Bucks
  • Choose from junior or senior detective difficulty levels
  • Delve into entomology and science puzzles

Game Characteristics

  • Point & Click Gameplay
  • Mystery Adventure Genre
  • Interactive Storyline
  • Strong Female Protagonist
  • Rich and Intriguing Characters
  • Single Player Game
  • First Person POV
  • Subtle Hints System
  • Challenging Puzzles
  • Gorgeous Environments
  • Detective Investigation
  • Immersive Controls
  • Realistic Settings

Dr. Quigley Kim

An absent-minded bug scientist, Dr. Kim is working to gain fame and funding. Too bad all the money is going to Craven’s sophisticated facility instead. How far would she go to discover the latest breakthrough in entomology?

Dr. Quigley Kim, bug scientist

The Hardy Boys

Frank and Joe are in Hawaii to investigate the Mapu family for any hidden skeletons. With a lucrative endorsement contract on the line for Pua, the Hardy Boys only have a few spare moments to lend Nancy a hand. Ned might be a little jealous, but they’ve got a mystery of their own!

The Hardy Boys, trusty friends

Pua Mapu

She spends her days training to become a professional surfer and claims that she doesn’t have time for anything else. Secretive and talented, Pua also helps her dad, Big Island Mike, at the Immersion Excursion.

Pua Mapu, surfer

Big Island Mike Mapu

Mike Mapu runs the Immersion Excursion with the help of his daughter Pua, but it seems like the tourists just aren’t interested. He practically has to force tourists to catch fish, string necklaces, and go snorkeling. There may be something shady about the way he does business…

Mike Mapu, tourist shop owner

Malachi Craven

Known for his tantrums and running the Hilihili Research compound with an iron fist, this scientist has attracted the funds of many investors. Craven keeps his work highly secretive, so no one knows what’s happening in his lab. What is he working on that he wants to keep top-secret?

Malachi Craven, scientist

#15 Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave

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