Seek the source of sabotage on a Hollywood set! You, as Nancy Drew, are on the set of a controversial remake of the famous 1930’s film “Pharaoh!” The studio’s original movie released with an alternate ending due to the untimely death of Lois Manson, the film’s star, and became a box office smash. Now, Nancy Drew is undercover on the set to get to the bottom of suspicious press leaks and uncanny accidents that have the production schedule in jeopardy. Is someone trying to sabotage the movie or is it a curse of the fallen film star in Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights, Camera, Curses!
Defuse an Explosive Situation at an Exclusive Resort! You, as Nancy Drew, must stop a bomber from ruining the Redondo Spa clients’ rejuvenation and relaxation. The high maintenance clients won’t be happy if they find that their retreat is about to explode, even if the bombs are more prankster gross-outs than dangerous. Now, Nancy Drew is undercover as the spa gopher catering to the customers’ eccentric requests while defusing bombs. From celebrities who escape here to the receptionist at the front desk—everyone is a suspect! Who is sabotaging the spa and can Nancy catch the culprit before the spa loses all of its clients in Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger?
No strategy guide available for this title
“Nancy Drew Dossier is a good example of a well-designed hidden object casual game. The story is interesting, the puzzles challenging but not too difficult, and the game can be picked up and played very easily. Good fun!” ~PC GameZone
“Anybody can pick it up and start playing in no time, and I guarantee you’ll be hooked instantly with such a creative and clever concept. I highly recommend this game to everyone, and am already looking forward to the next installment!” ~Just Adventure “Even though it seems like a radical departure from the original series, the Dossier series shares all the best aspects of the original. The graphics – which have a more hand-drawn style to them than the photo-realistic 3D of the originals – are beautifully crafted.” ~Gamezebo
10 to Adult
Retail Release August 2009
Windows® XP/Vista/7/8/10
Molly McKenna is the hard-nosed producer of “Pharaoh.” She is the modern, high-tech multi-tasker and who likes others to believe she’s in complete control. But while production is flailing in chaos, could she hate the director enough to ensure he never makes another movie?
Eda Brookes is an up and coming actress and she might be a mega-star if she pulls off her first staring role. Eda is quite a talent and will make a stunning Nefertiti. But, is she saving her best performance for the big screen or sabotaging the set so it will gain more publicity?
Jorge Jackson is the newest, flashiest, big blockbuster director. No one seems to like his vision for the movie and he feels under-appreciated. Would he go so far as to sabotage his own movie just so he can get his revenge on everyone for “ruining” his movie?
Arthur Hitchens is the financier for “Pharaoh!” He plans on releasing the epic feature along with the original ‘director’s cut’ and new theme park. With all the disasters, he’s smartly taken out insurance for the movie and will receive money for the damages, but was this all part of the plan?
Cassidy Jones is the receptionist at the Redondo. He strongly dislikes the job, and it’s starting to show in his work. But why would a highly intelligent graduate from Brown University take a job as a receptionist unless he has other motives?
Helfdan Helgason is a genius, who creates exclusive cosmetic salves, creams and liquids for the Redondo. If this scientist is creating revolutionary products that virtually erase all signs of aging, then why is he still stuck at the spa?
Jasmine Ivy is a well respected actress who plays the Hollywood ‘game’ and stops by the Redondo to ‘rejuvenate’ her looks. Naturally, she wouldn’t want anyone to know about her treatments, but would she set off bombs in the spa to keep them from talking?
The Redondo keeps the janitor, Joanna Brown, who lives in the furnace room with her pet rats, shuttered away safely during the day from their clients. Is Joanna resentful of the spa’s treatment of her and setting off bombs that won’t damage her home but will destroy the spa’s reputation?
As one of the Redondo’s wealthiest clients, Mrs. Montague always gets what she wants. When the spa denies one of her demands, would she go so far as to set off bombs to get her revenge?
There’s nothing Nick Bleski won’t do for money. Which is perfect, considering that his job as the general manager of the Redondo demands that he make as much money as possible. Is he planting these innocuous bombs so he can claim insurance and bolster his bottom line?
Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights, Camera, Curses Mobile Wallpaper: Dock Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights, Camera, Curses Wallpaper: Dock Nancy Drew Dossier: Lights, Camera, Curses Wallpaper: Noir
Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger: Resort Room Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger: Jungle Room Nancy Drew Dossier: Resorting to Danger Bookmark
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