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#33 Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem

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About Game

10 to Adult
Released Dec. 3rd, 2019

Game Story

Nancy Drew®: Midnight in Salem

Nancy Drew unexpectedly finds herself in Salem, Massachusetts investigating an arson on the Hathorne estate. The Hathorne House was originally constructed by Judge John Hathorne, inquisitor of the infamous Salem witch trials and the final home to 102-year-old Frances Tuttle, his last direct descendant. When Tuttle passed away, the estate became city property and while the mayor was seeking a manager to oversee the estate the home burst into flames. The ongoing investigation has turned up little evidence but concerned citizens have accused Mei Parry of arson and are pressuring the police to arrest the secretive teenager. As Nancy races to uncover the truth behind the arson, she discovers connections to the house’s past with the Salem trials and finds herself drawn into a struggle with supernatural events that she simply can’t explain. Nancy’s convictions are put to the test. Are the ghosts real? Has Salem’s dark history come to life, or is there someone else to blame? Time is short, and Nancy must find the answers before the clock strikes midnight.


Free Strategy Guide with Game

You’ll get this free strategy guide walkthrough with your purchase of the game from Her Interactive.

Already own the game? You can purchase the Official Digital Strategy guide here!


"For Nancy Drew fans, the game has plenty to offer, like the Hardy boys making an appearance and even letting you play as them on two occasions. I really liked the grounded grasp of the mystery instead of unreal, almost Myst-like settings of the many previous entries in the series. I also appreciated that there’s no sense of dread or urgency hanging over things (until very late into the game). Nancy Drew games are often considered as “girls’ games” but I think that conception is ancient and belongs to the past. Anyone who likes a good, relaxed crime story without excess violence is allowed to enjoy Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem." - Jukka Piira, Dark Station

"The scaled-back gameplay may disappoint longtime series fans, and the change of voice actress for the main character may take getting used to no matter how good she is, but for those looking for a light entry into the world of the Nancy Drew games, Midnight in Salem should be just what the witch doctor ordered." - Richard Hoover, Adventure Gamers

"Midnight in Salem feels slightly rushed but it is still very enjoyable for both new and old players of the series. The story and characters are just as engaging as they've always been, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end.  Hopefully we won't have to wait nearly as long for the next installment in Nancy's adventures, but who am I kidding? We'll all probably still play it anyway." - Emily Byrnes,

"Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem has so much to offer over and above the main task of solving the arson. It is filled with complicated puzzles and a captivating cast of suspects. This mystery will surely test your abilities. Any of the Nancy Drew games from HeR Interactive will provide many, many hours (15+ for me) of critical thinking fun. They are well worth the price. This is fun for the whole family." - Marcel Dufresne, Mause Reviews

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Her Interactive
Average rating:  
 369 reviews
 by Nikki
An enjoyable MD game with fun spooky elements

I don’t understand why people are so upset about this game! I’ve played every single ND game prior to this and still enjoyed this one. Yes, Nancy has a different voice actor. Yes, the gameplay is a little different. I liked the 3D element, it looked much more modern but still kept the core features. The graphics are majorly improved from past games. I thought the story was fun and the characters too. Loved the Salem setting. Great having the Hardy Boys there. It definitely wasn’t my favourite game, but I still enjoyed it and will play the next one.

 by Jo
Has potential

I played this on the heels of replaying some of the older Nancy games. Right away I thought I would completely hate this game because of the jarring change in mouse controls and the change in Nancy’s voice from witty, wholesome and classic to modern and ordinary.

But as the story went on, there were things I really liked about the graphics and the game really grew on me. I started an older game right after finishing MIS and found that I really did miss the beauty of MIS and the overall darker feel. This new direction with the games has a lot of potential and I am looking forward to seeing what else they put out.

Even after getting used to it, I still really hate the rolling mouse movement style of looking at things in the room. As someone with motion sickness it literally got nauseating at times. I prefer the simple point and click of the old format for sure. I think fewer cut scenes and more puzzles would really push this new style in the right direction to give it a nod to the old while continuing to move into the new stylistically. As for Nancy herself, I wish she sounded more unique. The actress who voiced Deirdre did a great job making herself stand out. You never doubted who was talking with Deirdre. With Nancy, sometimes she sounded the same as the other people she was talking to and there was nothing distinguishing or endearing about her voice. Nothing against the voice actress, her acting was fine, but old Nancy’s voice was like a warm hug. Would be cool for new Nancy to be just as endearing. Lastly, I agree with the reviewer who talked about autonomy. Having to roam around and figure out why you’re stuck was part of the fun in the older games.

After playing MIS I don’t know that I’d go all the way back to old style. There were definitely some positive things about the more modern graphics, voice acting and sense of suspense but taking what really really worked about the old games and incorporating it back in would create something I think all the fans could really get behind.

 by Liz
It Gets Better- I like it!

I left a negative review initially when I first started playing because I was having issues with navigating the game and the character voices lagged quite a bit. However, once I adjusted the graphics settings it was much easier to move around. Additionally, I realized you can customize the different sound levels as well to make a more enjoyable experience. I really enjoyed the overall plot of the game (still dissappinted about Ned). The game has some ND gan favorites like cooking or doing tasks on for your enjoyment (including some Halloween arts and crafts).

 by Leigh
Well Thought Out

The character development and the way Her Interactive modernized the relationships and everything about the narrative was great! I was super impressed with how they handled the characters and how the game progressed.

The cons to this are that I do wish there were more puzzles in it and the controls on the cemetery game did not work for me. Also I have a mac laptop and using the track pad for moving around and right-clicking did not work well.

Overall this was the most enjoyable game I've played and I have been playing ND games since they first came out! I love that we were given choices in some of the dialogue which mixed things up a bit. Much applause for this game!!!

 by Cort

I bought a new computer and looked forward to playing the newest game of the series that enthralled my childhood (every game repeatedly and hours on HERinteractive's message boards!). I didn't even make it out of the first room before having to call it quits because I wanted my memory of ND games to be positive, not this. Best of wishes to everyone and I hope you've enjoyed Nancy as much as I did.

 by justin
so bad

This is the worst nancy drew game I have played in my life. I've been playing these games since I was a kid and I couldn't even get past the first 10 minutes of this. Please fix this format for the next game or you're going to lose a lot of customers.

 by Emily & Rachel
Nightmare of Salem

My sister and I have grown up playing these games together. It was one of our best bonding experiences. We are both in our 20’s now and were ecstatic when this new game finally came out. We read all of the updates, watched all of the trailers, sent each other the pictures when they came out, and downloaded it the day it was released. I have to say this was the worst game we have ever played and that is including the original version of secret’s can kill! The instructions made no sense and there was very little guidance, the controls were confusing and very hard to navigate, the cutscenes were laggy and the dialogue was out of sync. The opening puzzle took us over 2 hours because they introduced new vision mechanics and gave us an entire room to explore, but then expected us to know to click on a tiny square in the corner of the desk. By the time we made it to the first conversation with Olivia we had lost all interest in continuing and stopped playing until we were stuck inside for quarantine with nothing else to do.
The story was slow and honestly very boring. Multiple items, hallways, and rooms were given to us and then never used in the story. The dialogue was cheesy, badly acted, and way over written. There was honestly less than a handful of lines you needed to actually progress the story.
We waited over 3 years, with push back after push back, because we were promised the developers were doing everything they could to make this game the best one they ever put out. What we ended up being given was horrible and heartbreaking to say the least. This game was is waste of time, money, and energy.

 by Wendy
Long Long Long Wait For Nothing!!

After 6 years of could have done so much better! My download is way off: sluggish, voices not matching characters, slow motion (even tried getting tech support). I couldn't win the game in graveyard after trying and trying, so I gave up. I came here today to buy the physical copy thinking it might be better (and pay twice), but after reading these awful reviews, I decided not to. You get an F for fail!

 by Calvin
Let down 🙁

I really loved Nancy Drew and have played it since I was 8. This game was a real serious let down, I get Her Interactive are going for a new style much more similar to Telltale Games. I can't recommend this game because I think it misses too many marks mechanically. The game is jank and I ran into many bugs that made it impossible to progress without restarting the game.

That being said I think Her Interactive can make a good Nancy Drew game in this style they just need to spend some more time working on a title and not release it half baked. It doesn't have to be cutting edge graphics just something better than what we have here.

 by Jordan
You've Made a Fatal Error. Would you like to try again?

The Good News: You finally pushed out a game after YEARS of waiting.
The Bad News: It's a complete flop and you may have lost your fan base.

This game feels like when a company gets bought out, fires everyone, and brings in new people who have no clue what they're doing. Is that what happened? Or did you outsource the whole thing? I don't know the history of what's happened recently with the company, but it's clear that the people who knew what they were doing are out the door. PLEASE bring them back. It's like watching Gordon Ramsay walk into those horrifying fridges on Kitchen Nightmares. I wish we could get the game version of him to come in and impress upon the designers how disappointing this game is.

It's so poor and slow that it barely plays, even though my computer exceeds the minimum requirements. Sure, 3D would have been a cool modernization, but that's the least of what we care about. The animation of the previous several games was beautiful, artistic! I don't need to reiterate 300 other reviews, so I copy them on the technical flaws and ridiculous dialogue.

Dear new designers, have you played any of the previous games? it doesn't feel like it. Have you read the original books? (They are yellow, ask your librarian.) Your fan base right now is largely young women, I'd estimate 25-35, and their family members and S.O.s whom they've converted. We read the books by flashlight under the covers and got lost in mystery. We started these games as children and draped blankets over huge desk monitors like a fort, and HER transported us to a different world. I grew up envisioning myself a brave heroine because of these games. And the kicker is that the games evolved in both graphics/animation and challenging puzzles. It's almost like they grew with their initial fan base in mind. You've lost your way, HER. Here's some characteristics of proper ND games (like, every one except this one).

1. Brilliant puzzles - I was continually impressed by the unique puzzles in each game. After about 15 games I thought that surely the types of puzzles would start being recycled frequently. But they just kept coming up with new ones! And they just kept getting harder! We want difficult, vexing, creative puzzles. Lots of them. Also, there is no point in puzzles which are not at some point required to progress in the game. They need to serve a function at least once.

2. Atmospheric - Getting lost in the world as if you are actually there walking around is a major aspect to these games. It is so clear that people researched the scene locations. The amount of detail in the scenery is amazing. The accents and attitudes of characters are always a nice touch. Go play Sea of Darkness, that game is a work of art unto itself. I started traveling the world because of what I saw through the eyes of Nancy Drew. Scotland, Ireland, France (next is Iceland and New Zealand)...I played ND and thought "I've got to go there in person!" It doesn't need to be in 3D. It needs to be beautiful, detailed, and we have to, you know, be able to easily navigate without getting frustrated and wanting to throw the mouse across the room.

3. Autonomy - on that note, it's key that we can wander around ourselves, not be led from place to place like a movie. Some of my greatest satisfactions came from being stuck, scrutinizing every inch of the world, and finally finding that one thing I had overlooked. The dialogue should only exist where it needs to in order for US to figure out what to do next. It doesn't need to ramble on and on forever.

4. Education - Part of getting immersed in the atmosphere comes from learning things about the setting - runes and alchemy in old England, the zodiac, the Catacombs in Paris, herbs and lore and different runes in Ireland, Greek Mythology, the French Revolution, Icelanic vocabulary, the entire Tesla game...what a great opportunity you had with SALEM! Squandered.

In conclusion, just go back to the old format. Ideally, bring back the team from Sea of Darkness, The Deadly Device, and The Silent Spy. Or honestly these games are going to die right here. I bet that most of your fan base would be willing to give HER one more chance. But not if takes another five years, and only if it's stunning. Like the transformations on Kitchen Nightmares.

ND was the reigning female heroine game before this debacle, and I have converted every male friend who thought a girl's game would be stupid. Please do better!

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ESRB Rating:

ESRB: Everyone 10+, Mild Violence




10 to Adult


Released Dec. 3rd, 2019

Operating System:

Windows® 7 64-bit or later

OS X: 10.11 El Capitan or higher – Metal 1.1 capable

Windows Minimum System Requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 3.00 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000, 2 GB of video RAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Hard Disk Drive: 8 GB storage space
  • Keyboard, mouse and speakers

Windows Recommended System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 (6th Generation) 3.0GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX-960 or AMD Radeon R9 270X
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Hard Disk Drive: 10 GB storage space
  • Keyboard, mouse and speakers

Mac Minimum System Requirements:

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 3.00 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 4000, 2 GB of video RAM
  • Hard Disk Drive: 8 GB storage space
  • Keyboard, mouse and speakers

Mac Recommended System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Mac OS X 10.13.4
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz Intel Core i5 or better
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 2GB Nvidia 680MX, 2GB AMD R9 M290 or better
  • Hard Disk Drive: 8 GB storage space
  • Keyboard, mouse and speakers

Read End User License Agreement (EULA)

  • Analyze clues with all new examinable 3D objects
  • Team up with the Hardy Boys
  • 15+ hours of gameplay!
  • Learn and uncover the truth about the historical Salem witch trials
  • Explore expansive 3D environments and investigate with updated controls
  • Discover the plight of the accused witches
  • Take a tour of Salem and discern fact from fiction
  • Meet and interact with over 10 diverse characters
  • Solve challenging 3D puzzles embedded into the story
  • Enjoy thrilling in-game cutscenes
  • Cook a New England favorite dish: Johnny Cakes
  • Explore an ancient cemetery and historic estate
  • Investigate with updated and modernized controls
  • Mix herbal potions and learn about ancient remedies
  • Solve multiple crimes including arson
  • Sleuth at Amateur or Master level and earn achievements

Frank & Joe Hardy

Returning to help Nancy on another case, the Hardy Boys hone in on unexplained occurrences and aid in the hunt for the arsonist of the Hathorne House. With Frank’s practical sensibilities and Joe’s unbridled enthusiasm, they make an excellent team in search of the truth. The Hardy Boys will provide great insights and vital information regarding the investigation. You, as Nancy Drew, can depend on Frank and Joe’s assistance to shed light on the motivations of suspects and those that might be influenced by Salem’s dark past.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Character Bio Midnight in Salem The Hardy Boys

Deirdre Shannon

High-maintenance Deirdre Shannon has spent her life hovering in Nancy’s shadow, and lives with the knowledge that she is the “girl who would have become Nancy Drew” had circumstances turned out better for her. Deirdre is concerned for her cousins Mei and Teegan and begins her own investigation to clear Mei’s name. When Deirdre discovers that there is more to the Hathorne Estate case than an arson, she reluctantly calls Nancy to come and help solve the mystery. Will Deirdre’s tense relationship with the famous teen sleuth hinder the case? Or is she hiding something about her cousin’s true motivations?

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem Deirdre Shannon

Mei Parry

Mei Parry has spent her young life pulled between two extremes – the near-crushing protective attention by her parents and sister Teegan, and the cruel gazes and whispers by the local townsfolk.  Mei’s mysterious past haunts her when she is accused and placed under questioning by the Salem police for the recent fire at the Hathorne Estate.  Few of the townspeople are surprised and offer little support. Unfortunately for Mei, multiple scars publicly mark her mistakes of the past and results in a constant reminder that she often seeks to hide. Only those closest to Mei understand that her deepest pain can also be her greatest strength. Can Nancy Drew help Mei or has she gone too far this time?

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem Mei Parry

Teegan Parry

Teegan Parry is Mei’s older sister and cares for her and the house while their parents are away. A warm, hospitable person, she runs the local museum and is passionate about Salem’s history. As an advocate for past accused witches, will Teegan take drastic measures to right the wrongs of history and protect her sister?

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Character Teegan Parry

Olivia Ravencroft

Constantly commanding the spotlight, Olivia Ravencroft runs a witch tour and novelty magic shop. It’s well-known locally that her smoke and mirrors entertainment is not always accurate, but it’s always very theatrical! Her self-guided tours depict Salem’s haunted past while ensuring to capitalize on the tourist trade. While Olivia uses her elaborate performances to ‘enhance’ the tourism experience, would she set fire to the Hathorne House to profit from the additional attention to her business?

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem Olivia Ravencroft

Lauren Holt

As the last living person residing on the Hathorne property, Lauren claims to be the heir of the historic Hathorne House. Lauren owns an apothecary and tea shop in Salem and mixes natural remedies in the traditional methods. She has great respect for the town’s history, but would she use her expertise to unethically get what she wants?

Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Character Lauren Holt

Jason Danforth

Jason Danforth is the son of Judge Danforth. As a child, Jason loved to play in and around the infamous Hathorne House. Even though the people of Salem speculated the estate was haunted, Jason continued to visit until one day, when he was ten, he witnessed an unexplained sighting, one that haunts him to this day.  As years passed, Jason enjoyed being the “it” guy in town and being both wealthy and handsome. Some say that Jason is his own biggest fan.  For Jason, position has its privileges, but does his status mask the curse of his past?

Nancy Drew Mystery Interactive Adventure Games - Introducing Jason Danforth

Alicia Cole

Alicia Cole is a highly qualified attorney who left the big city to work with the soon-to-be-retired Judge Danforth. She loves the area and finds the smaller town environment more to her liking. However, in Salem, she must learn to deal with the occasional ‘she put a spell on me!’ case, especially behind the backdrop of a community that hasn’t come to terms with its dark and haunting past. Have the residents’ superstitions influenced Alicia’s judgment or do her ambitions run deeper than she lets on?

Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Character Alicia Cole

Judge Danforth

The well-established, yet somewhat scatterbrained, Judge Danforth is at the center of pressing legal battles in the town of Salem. The arson of the famed historic Hathorne Estate is under investigation and citizens want justice. But could Judge Danforth be harboring a hidden agenda to disrupt the investigation?

Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Character Judge Danforth

#33 Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem

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