To the greatest fans in the world,
Each year the Her Interactive team combines its creative and technical talents to bring you new Nancy Drew games. We work hard to improve the playing experience for you. Recently we have upgraded the graphics, improved the user interface, integrated hints with tasks and given you the ability to skip ahead in character conversations.
These are changes that have been made based on your feedback. Everyone here cares deeply about your feedback and we discuss the many letters, emails and posts that you have made about our games. The work we do may not always please every one of you, but we do our best to deliver great games that will please as many of you as possible.
We are about to enter 2014 and I wanted to share with you that we are working to bring Nancy Drew to even more mystery lovers. Early in 2014 we will deliver our first game for mobile devices. While I am very excited about this, I want to assure you that we are not slowing down in the slightest our work on great new Nancy Drew games for the PC and Macintosh. You can look forward to our Spring and Fall releases in 2014 just as in the past.
As we near the end of the year, let me wish each of you the very best. And let me once again give you my sincere thanks for being part of the Her Interactive family. It means the world to all of us.
Stuart Moulder
CEO, Her Interactive
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